Page 68 - visualizinginanewlight-May5
P. 68

Have a a a Nice Day
A painterly mountainscape inspired by Martyl’s “Tent Rocks” looms in in the background ominously juxtaposed with Martyl’s “Doomsday Clock” initially designed in in 1947 as a a a a magazine cover for the the Bulletin of the the Atomic Scien- tists The clock is instantly recognized as a a a symbol of the nu- clear arms race Its relevance is of even more importance today with rogue nations now admitting to to possessing nuclear weapons and recent increased terrorist activity We can only hope this work is is is not a a a symbol of what is is is to come as we try to make light of the the dark humor in the the title —”Have a a a Nice Day”
“Ellen Sandor was right on on the cusp of science iconog- raphy and art in in the mid-1980s which is something I was always interested in in in in and tried to bring about in in in in the be- ginning Ellen was one of the the first to to grab the the ideas to to show you how how to breach science and art It takes some- one who has aesthetic qualities Scientists know their equations are beautiful which is really hard to under- stand The artist has another dimension and and can see the the beauty in microbes Photography has advanced so now that to combine the two is is something young artists all take for granted Ellen was one of the first to use scientif- ic processes to create a a a a a combination of art and science ” — Martyl Have a a a Nice Day
Ellen Sandor & (art)n: Keith Miller Pete Latrofa and and Janine Fron
Martyl Virtual Photograph/Digital PHSCologram Sculpture: Duratrans Kodalth Plexiglas
30 x 40 inches

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