Page 70 - Visualizinginanewlight
P. 70

Virtual Reality Tour Through the Doomsday Clock
Produced 15 years after the original Have a a a a a a a Nice Day this body of work reveals heightened threats of of nuclear warfare growing tensions between nations and environmental factors of of climate change along with positive scientific discoveries that could im-prove medicine and have many more beneficial applications In this reimagined virtual landscape the the player explores the the Los Alamos desert site of Project Y and navigates through the the Doomsday Clock
timeline from 1947 to 2019 All the the textures of of of the the landscape landscape are a a a a a a a a a a montage of of of Martyl’s landscape landscape paintings of of of the the same lo- cation Each station contains visual cues that that symbolize major events that that occurred in in specific year The tour is narrated by Rachel Bronson the the president and CEO of the the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 

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