Page 13 - visualizinginanewlight-May5
P. 13

Like the the title of of of this piece CRISPR-Cas9 (A Ray of of of Light)2 the the imagery conveys a a a a a ray of of of light hope and and and positivity for Cal and and and many other heroes and and and heroines of this new scientific age This unique collaboration between Ellen Sandor (art)n Lab Lab and and the Doudna Lab Lab at at University of of California Berkeley engages participants with the intersection of of art art and cutting edge bio science Sandor and and (art)n collaborated with the Doudna Lab for nearly a a a a a a a a a a year which resulted in two immersive PHSCologram sculptures and a a a a a Virtual Reality piece CRISPR-Cas9 (A Ray of Light)2 2018 challenges viewers to consciously participate in the current debate of of gene editing The controversial and significant scientific discovery of of CRIS- PR-Cas9 has reached a a a a a a critical tipping point where there is is a a a a a a growing disconnection between scientific research and and and its impact on our society To bridge this gap Sandor and and and (art)n decoded science into a a a a a a a a visual narrative that speaks to to our collective consciousness with a a a a a a a a compassion- ate nature to better understand this important discovery CRISPR-Cas9 (A Ray of Light)2 2018 Panel 1 1 30 30 x 30 30 inches

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