Page 45 - visualizinginanewlight-May5
P. 45

on new meaning and metaphor as we all become stakeholders in in the health of our immunity and our social well being together A virus like COVID-19 penetrates through bodily weak- nesses that when successful can create vulnerability death and destruction in its wake As we we continue to to co-create a a a a a a a new mixed reality together where all can heal and thrive we we will transform our our world and ourselves into a a a a a a better place than we we were before–with compas- sion creativity community meaningful connection and light Polio II
A computer rendered image of the virus that causes polio It shows how how four different types of protein molecules (shown in in blue yellow red and green) come tougher to to form the cap- sid or the the the outer shell of of of the the the virus particle There are sixty copies of of of each of of of these molecules in in in the the the complete shell Some of of the the the proteins are left out of of its image so you can see the the the in- side of the shell The The polio virus is too small to to be seen with an ordinary microscope The The three-dimensional structure was created using a a a a a a a a special technique of X-ray crystallography to a a a 2
9 9 9 angstrom resolution by Jim Hogle and co-workers ©1990 Arthur J J Olson Polio II
Ellen Sandor & (art)n: Stephan Meyers and and Craig Ahmer
Arthur Olson and David Goodsell The Scripps Research Institute PHSCologram: Cibachrome Kodalith Plexiglas 24 x 20 inches

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