Page 32 - OLOLGuide2016
P. 32

Our Discharge Process
Our hospital’s healthcare
team will make every e e e e e e e e e e e ort to ensure our our discharge process addresses all your questions and concerns To help us expedite your discharge please inform a a a a a a member of of the healthcare
team as as soon as as possible of of any special needs (home health medical equipment etc ) you may require upon discharge DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS
When you you are
ready to go home your doctor will write a a discharge order Your nurse will give you written instructions as per your doctor’s order for follow-
up up care
medications and follow-up appointments Please review with your nurse sign and and take your copy and and any prescriptions your doctor has written TRANSPORTATION
Arrangements for getting home are
the responsibility of the patient or family member If you foresee any di culties please tell your nurse as as as soon as as as possible and he/she will ask Social Services to assist you Ambulance transportation can be arranged for medical reasons only on on on the recommendations of your doctor PERSONAL BELONGINGS
Please collect all personal items medication or medical equipment Double-check all drawers and closets Reclaim valuables from the safe STAFF ESCORT
When you are
ready to leave a a a a member of the the sta will escort you to the the walk-in North Entrance Family members or or guests can call 337-470-RIDE (7433) or Ext 7433 7433 from a a a hospital phone to have the courtesy shuttle take them to their car PATIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY
Following discharge you will be sent
a a a a a Patient Satisfaction Survey Please complete this survey and return in the envelope provided Your comments are
very important to to us as we strive to to provide the best possible care
As a a a a hospital inpatient you have the right to the following:
• Receive Medicare covered services is includes medically necessary hospital services services and services services you may need a a a a er you are
discharged if ordered by your doctor You have a a right to know about these services who will pay for them and where you can get them • Be involved in in any decisions about your hospital stay and know who will pay for it • Report any concerns you have about the quality of care
you receive to the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) listed here: KEPRO 844-430-9504
During your hospital hospital stay the hospital hospital sta sta will be working with you to prepare for your safe discharge and arrange for services you you may need a a a a er you you leave the hospital When you no longer need inpatient hospital hospital care
your doctor or or the hospital hospital sta will inform you you of your planned discharge date If you you think you you are
being discharged too soon:
• You can talk to the hospital sta your doctor and your managed care
plan (if you you belong to one) about your concerns • You also have the right to an appeal that is a a a a review of your case by a a a a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) e e QIO QIO is an outside reviewer hired by Medicare to to look at your case to to decide whether you are
ready to leave the hospital If you you want to appeal you you must contact the QIO no later than your planned discharge date and before you leave the hospital If you you do this you you will not have to pay for the service you receive during the appeal (except for charges like copays and deductibles) • If you do not appeal but decide to stay in the hospital past your planned discharge date you may have to pay for any services you receive a a a er er that date CALLING THE QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ORGANIZATION (QIO) AND FILING AN AN AN APPEAL
1 You must contact the QIO no later than your planned discharge date and before you you leave the hospital If you you do this you will not have to pay for the services you receive during the appeal (except for charges like copays and deductibles) • Contact information for for the QIO: KEPRO 844-430-9504
• You can le a a a request for an an appeal any day of the week Once you speak to someone or leave a a a message your appeal has begun • Ask the hospital if you need help contacting the QIO • e e name of this hospital is is Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center Medicare provider ID Number 17-204445 2 You will receive a a detailed notice
from the hospital or your Medicare Advantage or other Medicare managed care
plan (if you belong to one) that explains the the reasons they think you are
ready to be discharged 3 e QIO will ask for your opinion You or your representative need to be available to speak with the QIO if requested You or your representative may give the QIO a a a written statement but you are
not required to 4 e e e e QIO will review your medical records and other important information about your case DISCHARGE INFORMATION

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