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What Is A Heart Attack And Who Is At Risk?
Common Warning Symptoms Of Heart Attack For Both Men And Women:
• Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes
or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or fullness.
• Discomfort in other areas of the body: Symptoms may include discomfort in one or both arms or the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
• Shortness of breath: This symptom often accompanies chest discomfort. However, it can also occur before the chest discomfort.
• Other signs: Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light- headedness.
A heart attack happens
when blood  ow to
the heart suddenly
becomes blocked and
the heart can’t get
oxygen. If not treated
quickly, the heart
muscle fails to pump and
begins to die. Some risk
factors for a heart attack include: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, poor diet, lack of exercise and family history of early heart disease. Talk to your doctor to  nd out whether you are at risk for a heart attack.
Minutes Matter!
Know The Warning Signs Of A Heart Attack & Take Action! If you experience the warning signs of a heart attack, minutes matter! It is very important to
get a medical evaluation and treatment right away. Your chances of
surviving with the least amount of damage to your heart and
brain are greater the sooner you
get help. Remember, if you’ve had a heart attack, your chances of having another are greater and
your symptoms may vary from the  rst heart attack. Women are more likely to have the “other” common signs of a heart attack, including: shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, pain in
the back, neck or jaw. Sometimes the signs of a heart attack may happen suddenly or over hours, days or
even weeks.
If you think you are having
a heart attack, don’t wait, call 9-1-1! Don’t try to drive yourself, paramedics are trained to treat you on the way
to the hospital!
You Can Quit Smoking!
You may know
that there are health risks
to smoking yet still  nd it hard to commit to quitting. Consider that smoking has many health risks and the bene ts to quitting are worth the e ort.
If you are preparing to quit, or even just thinking about it, make a list of all the reasons you want to quit and remind yourself of your reasons daily.  ey can inspire you to stop smoking for good! Here are a few reasons you may want to add to your list:
Your Health And Appearance:
• Your risks for cancer, heart attack, heart disease, stroke, cataracts and other diseases will go down
• You will reduce your chances of having to return to the hospital
• You will breathe easier, cough less
• Your blood pressure will go down
• Your skin will look healthier, and
your teeth will look whiter
Here’s How To K.I.C.K!
Your Lifestyle:
• Quitting will save you money • You will be able to taste &
smell food,  owers and other
things better
• Your clothes will no longer smell
Your Loved Ones:
• You will be doing your part in protecting family and friends from the dangers of secondhand smoke
• If you’re not thinking about where and when to smoke, you’ll have more time to spend with loved ones and on things that matter.
Health risks from smoking are preventable, so make a plan. Quit today.
Visit American Cancer Society at: and National Cancer Institute at: for more information.

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