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Patient Satisfaction
Is Important To Us
Hospital Name participates in The Joint Commission’s accreditation process. This process helps
us provide safe, high-quality care, treatment and services by identifying opportunities
for improvement.
Our goal is to provide you with the best care possible. Your experience here is important to us and we want to hear from you.
• Are you getting the care you need? • Are your doctors and nurses
addressing your questions and
• How can we improve?
Please talk with your nurse or case manager about any questions or issues you may have, or dial 1234 from your phone.
What is HCAHPS? HCAHPS is the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems.
It measures patients’ thoughts about their hospital experience by asking questions based on communication, responsiveness, cleanliness, quietness, pain manage-ment, communication about medicines, discharge infor- mation and overall hospital rating.
Hospital Compare
is a government website that enables consumers to compare the quality of hospital care across the country. The site is managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. For more information, visit hospitalcompare.
The Joint
Commission develops and administers voluntary accreditation programs outlining performance standards for hospitals and other healthcare organizations. To see reports
for all accredited organizations, visit Additional information can be found at: Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP): and DNV GL Healthcare:
After your discharge
you may receive an HCAHPS patient survey by mail. Please complete the survey and mail it back
to us, it helps us enhance the quality of services
for future patients and visitors!
Privacy And Health Information
The Privacy Rule, (called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act or HIPAA), is a Federal law that gives you rights over your health information and sets rules and limits on who can look at and receive your health information.
What Information Is Protected?
• Any information entered into your medical record including conversations between you, your doctor and any medical sta 
• Yourbillingorinsurer’sinformation in hospital or provider’s computers
What Rights Do You Have Over Your Health Information?
Health Insurers and Providers must comply with your right to:
• Ask to see and get a copy of your health records
• Have corrections made, or information added to your health information
• Receive a notice that tells you how your health information may be used and shared
• Decide if you want to give your permission before your health information can be used or shared
• Get a report on when and why your health information was shared for certain purposes
Who Can See And Receive Your Health Information?
To ensure that your health information is protected in a way that does not interfere with your healthcare, your information can be used and shared:
• For the coordination of your care and treatment
• To pay doctors and hospitals for your healthcare
• With approved family, relatives, friends or others you identify who are involved with your healthcare or healthcare bills
• To ensure that all healthcare professionals and facilities uphold a standard of care
• To protect the public health, for example: by reporting when the  u is in your area
• To make required reports to the police, such as reporting gunshot wounds
Remember, your information cannot be shared with your employer or used for marketing purposes without your written consent. For copies of your medical records, call Ext. 1234

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