Page 9 - May 2022
P. 9
Part one
The Professional Artist vs The Artist who does music as a Hobby
Let's begin by clarifying the difference between the professional Artist and the hobbyist Artist.
A professional Artist makes a living directly from the proceeds of their music career, meaning they do music full time for their living. A hobbyist Artist might make some money from their music but they are unable to live off the proceeds of their music efforts and usually have a day job.
Time to face the facts:
In the beginning of your music journey, everyone is a "hobbyist" Artist until you can find a way to make a full time living from your music efforts by becoming a Professional Artist/ Music Entrepreneur. Keep reading and learn what this entails.
Let's Talk About The Money For Your Career:
Music is a very expensive endeavour, so you need to adopt the attitude that
"This isn't a free ride"
In the beginning, you have to provide the money for your career to get started. You will need to record music that has been professionally written in a studio that will provide you with "radio ready" songs. You will need to put together a press kit and have a professional photo shoot. If you have no money to invest in yourself and your music, you will have a hard time moving forward in the music business until you raise some money to get going.
As Independent Artists we carry the financial burden of all the costs of making and sustaining our career. You have to have an ongoing flow of money to invest in your career to get it to a professional level, whether out of your own pocket, government grants or private investors .
You have to create a business out of your music efforts that will be financially viable. This will take time to build & lots of financial investment to get there.
Once you get to that place where you are making money, you must continue to do that regularly, in order to sustain your lifestyle and make music your full time work. It is a big responsibility to become a Professional Artist/ Music Entrepreneur; you hold your whole life in your hands daily.
You must succeed to survive financially and it can be challenging to manage the ebb and flow
of money into a small business. You must always be managing your resources and keep an eye on your business to make sure things are moving
Developing into a Professional Artist/Music Entrepreneur
What does it take to become a professional Artist these days?
Watch this space for part 2 next month