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Is Your Home Older

                             Than Its Years?

                                                  May, 2022 Newsletter from Team Petruzzi

                                     Would you throw away $20,000?

                       You know if you keep your body fit an d your mind nimble, you’re likely younger
                       than  your chronological  years ? The sam e principle ap plies to your house.
                       An out-of-shap e house is older than  its year s an d could lose 10% of its ap prai sed

                       val ue, say s Mack  Stricklan d, an  ap prai ser an d real  estat e ag ent in Chester, Va.
                       That ’s a  $15,000 to $20,000 ad justment for the av erag e home.
                       But good mai ntenan ce can  even ad d val ue. A study out of the University of
                       Connecticut an d Syracu se University finds that  regular  mai ntenan ce increas es the
                       val ue of a  home by ab out 1% each  year .

                       So if you’ve been deferring mai ntenan ce, or just need a  good strat egy to stay  on top
                       of it, here's the simplest way  to keep your home in good heal th.

                                                    "A poorly maintained house can lose up to 20k in value."
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