Page 136 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 136

 Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    Report of the Board of Directors’ Responsibilities for Financial Reports
Dear Shareholders,
Power Solution Technologies Public Company Lomoted
The Board of Directors is responsible for the consolidated and separate financial statements of Power Solution Techonology Public Company Limited, which are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting prin- ciples and Thai Financial Reporting Standards. The Board of Directors has considered the adoption and consistent application of appropriate accounting policies and arranged for adequate disclosure in the notes to the financial statements to benefit shareholders and other investors.
The Board of Directors has established good corporate governance and maintained appropriate and effective riskmanagementandinternalcontrolsystemtoensurethatthesystemandpracticesaresufficienttoprevent and mitigate potential risks, to safeguard the assets, and to capture the flaws and unusual transactions on a timely basis to prevent fraud.
The Board of Directors has appointed an Audit Committee, comprised of Independent Directors, to oversee and review the reliability and accuracy of the financial statements, internal control and internal audit, and risk man- agement, including the disclosure of related party transactions. The comments of the Audit Committee on these matters are presented in the Audit Committee Report in this annual report 2023. (Form 56-1 One Report)
Based on the aforementioned corporate governance and practices, the Board of Directors expresses the opinion
that the consolidated and separate financial statements of Power Solution Techonology Public Company Limited for the year ended December 31, 2023, are fairly presented in all material aspects, in accordance with Thai Financial Reporting Standards, reliable, and in compliance with related laws and regulations as reported by the auditor with unqualified opinion in the Auditor’s Report in this annual report.
On behalf of the director
Power Solution Techonology Public Company Limited
Mr. Soammaphat Traisorat Chairman of the Board of Directors

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