Page 38 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 38

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 ONE REPORT)
    1.4 Registered and Paid-up Capital
Common Shares
As of 31 December 2023, the Company had registered capital in the amount of 1,581,299,720.00 baht, which is the paid-up capital of 1,185,974,790 baht divided into and 3,162,599,440 common shares and 2,371,949,580 paid-up shares with a par value 0.50 baht per share
The Company has other types
of shares with different rights or conditions from common shares.
Sharehoding by Thai NVDR Co., Ltd.
As of 3 August 2023, Thai NVDR Company Limited held a number of common 30,767,347 shares or 1.30% in the Company calculated as shares or a percentage of the total number of issued and outstanding shares in the Company, whereby investors with NVDR share holdings will receive the same financial benefits as though they had invested in the Company’s shares in all respects, whether in terms of dividends, capital increases or share warrants, but will not be eligible to cast votes in shareholders’ meetings. Thai NVDR Company Limited will not exercise the right to vote at the shareholders’ meeting, unless it is a voter to consider the delisting of securities from being listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

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