Page 81 - PSTC - One Report 2023 (EN)
P. 81

Power Solution Technologies Public Company Limited
    Oversee and monitor management of the Board of Directors and other sub-committees to achieve specified objectives.
Cast the deciding vote in cases where votes in the meeting of the Board of Directors are tied.
1.5 AppointmentofSpecificSub-Committees
The Company appoints the following sub-committees to assist the Board of Directors in studying, screening and supervising the Company’s work:
The Audit Committee
The Executive Committee
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee The Risk Management Committee
The Anti-Corruption Committee
1.6 MeetingsoftheBoardofDirectors
Meetings of the Board of Directors are to be held for no less than on a quarterly basis and Board of Directors meetings must be held for no less than six times per fiscal year. Additional special meetings may be held as necessary by scheduling meeting dates in advance to allow directors to make time and attend meetings. Throughout the year 2023, the company convened a total of 12 board meetings.
The Company Secretary shall send meeting invitations and documents (in paper and/or electronic formats) to every director in advance of the meeting’s date within time specifications in company regulations under the framework of the law in order for the Board of Directors to receive documents and have time to study in advance of the meeting’s date.
1.7 CompanySecretary
The Board of Directors reached a resolution to appoint the Company Secretary to perform the duty of providing recommendations with roles, duties and responsibilities pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Act in addition to responsibilities in overseeing and advising the Board of Directors and executives concerning regulations for compliance and the Company’s governance principles. In addition, the Company Secretary is responsible for hosting Board of Directors meetings and Shareholders’ Meetings along with performing Compliance Unit work.
1.8 Assessment of the Board of Directors’ Performance
The Board of Directors and subcommittee specified for the annual performance of groups and individuals to take place at the beginning of December of every year in order to use results in considering suitability of the Board of Directors’ composition and review performance, problems and barriers in the past year along with making the Board of Directors’ and subcommittee performance more effective. Furthermore, performance assessments help to improve the relationship between the Board of Directors and the management.
Assessment of the Chief Executive Officer’s Performance
In the Company’s good governance policy, the performance of the Chief Executive Officer is required to be assessed on at least an annual basis by using forms modified by the Company from samples provided by the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Directors to perform self-assessments in order to reflect and determine if the Chief Executive Officer’s performance is consistent with goals.

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