Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 10-2-20
P. 17

   October Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Glo Young, 10/1; Katherine Clark, 10/3; Renee Ghent, 10/5; Twila Gain- ous, 10/7; Ardra Daniels, 10/10; Thad- deus Jones and Terry Martin, 10/15; Yolanda Potts, 10/16; Marquita Killins 10/18; Oscar Simmons, 10/20; Von- shanita Edwards and Melissa Perry Harris, 10/22; Olivia Darby, 10/23; William Ford and Jennifer Wilson, 10/26; Myron Drayton and Derrick McNeal, 10/28; Tonita Hall, 10/29; Roesolia Young, 10/30; Sean Bell and Dorian Moore, 10/31.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Villagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp Jr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Cather- ine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Hen- rietta Sanders, Willie
Hill and Hewitt Smith. Happy Anniversary
Shout out to Anthony and Ann Pittman, who celebrated their 33rd Wed- ding Anniversary on 9/27. Wishing you much contin- ued happiness.
Victory A. M. E. Church Free Produce
Victory A. M. E. Church distributes free produce every Saturday, 10:30 a. m. – 12 noon, at 5202 S. 86th St.
FBCOPV Loss Support Ministry
If you have lost a loved one ... Come join us to talk or just listen. We are here for you if you lost a loved one, your job, your relation- ship, etc. Meetings are held on Thursdays from 7-8:30 p. m. Call 813-677-1948 or contact for dial in information.
Voter Registration
Register to vote this Saturday, October 3rd at SoulKafe, 7923 Flower
Ave., Progress Village Plaza. Make your VOTE count and your voice heard! 2020 General Election Deadline to register – Oct. 5, Early Voting – Oct. 19 – Nov. 1, Election Day – Nov. 3.
Progress Village Senior Center Virtual Events, 1-888-585-9008 Conference Rm# 926774557
Monday – Friday, 9:30 a. m., Daily Devotional; Tuesday – 10:30 a. m., Sil- ver Sneakers, 1 p. m., Active Living; Thursday – 10:30 a. m., Healthy Living; Friday – 11 a. m., Bingo.
Volunteers Needed Tampa-Hillsborough Disaster Resilience Initiative
Volunteers are needed to represent the Progress Village community and sur- rounding areas. If inter- ested, please contact Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604 or Walter L. Smith (Coordinator) at (813) 531- 1845.
Progress Village Civic Council News
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.

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