Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 6-25-21
P. 24
Cancer (June 21-July 22): This continues to be a powerful time for you with the Sun and fair Venus in your sign. (Make a note that this is a perfect time to buy wardrobe goodies for yourself.). This is likely because Mars in your Money House urges you to shop! (If you're buying a car or computer, wait until July 8.).
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
The planets are sending you two messages now. The Sun and Venus want you to enjoy solitude, while fiery Mars wants you to get out there and fly your colors! Therefore, it's up to you how you want to play it. Meanwhile, Mercury retro- grade ends today. Yay!
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Mercury retrograde might have recently put you in touch with bosses, parents and important people from your past. Mercury’s retrograde is over. However, its shadow will last until July 8. If shopping for cars, computers and cell phones - wait until then.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):
Because Mercury retrograde is over, you will start to feel more freedom to travel and explore new ideas, new places and meet new people, especially from other cultures. Mean- while, you are admired be-
cause the Sun is at the top of your chart. Looking swell!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Feel free to go forward with new projects or issues re- lated to shared property, es- tates, wills and inheritances because Mercury’s retrograde is over. Some of you will want to make travel plans or plans related to publishing, the media and higher education.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): The Moon is in your sign, which means things will tend to go your way even though you are a bit more emotionally charged. If you want to test this, why not ask the universe for a favor? See what happens. Meanwhile, good news! Mercury retro- grade is over.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You will want to be low key because the Moon is "hid- ing" in your chart. Neverthe- less, you will be happy to hear that Mercury retrograde is over, which means you will have fewer errors and goofy mistakes related to your job. Thank heavens! Things are looking up!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): An important conversa- tion with a female friend could be significant today. You might want to discuss future goals?
Meanwhile, Mercury retro- grade is over as of today, which means old flames might fade from the picture. (Be patient with partners because Mars is opposite your sign.).
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Life is good because lucky Jupiter is in your sign. Fur- thermore, the Sun and Venus are in the most fun, social, lighthearted part of your chart. Plus, Mercury retrograde ends today. This is cause for a cele- bration!
Aries (March 21- April 19): Mercury retro- grade ends, which means silly errors and confused communi- cations plus transportation de- lays will reduce. Glory hallelujah! Nevertheless, if buying any form of ground transportation or a computer or cell phone, wait until July 8. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Because of Mercury ret- rograde, financial matters have been delayed or subject to re- versals, loss or confusion. Aaggh! Good news because this will greatly reduce. (If you're buying a car or com- puter, be smart and wait until
July 8.).
Gemini (May 21-June 20): For several weeks now, your ruler Mercury has been retrograde in your sign, which has been maddening! Mis- placed items, missed appoint- ments, confusion and mistakes! Fortunately, all of this will be greatly reduced. However, if buying a car or computer, wait until July 8, for the shadow to be gone.
General Hospital: Having seemingly worked together to prevent anyone from finding out what really happened to Peter, Liz and Finn are now teaming up in their efforts to save Chase. Maxie knows she did the right thing, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting desperately to see her baby!
When Maxie shows up at the Quartermaine mansion, Brook Lynn is stunned... maybe more than she really should be, given that the mansion is where Maxie’s baby currently resides! Curtis prepares for a big day in Trina’s life, while Taggert shares a special night with Portia.
Carly and Elizabeth bond over their mutual losses. Nina and Michael cross paths at the ceme- tery. There’s a new big wig at the hospital, and Portia wants to know more! Terry hopes that she will have a positive influence on the hospital. When Jason needs a helping hand, Brick is there for him. Gladys is fully re- covered from her recent shoot- ing.
The Bold & The Beautiful:
With things looking bleak, the jailbird implores Hope to be re- alistic about their future. Steffy and Hope agree to join forces to keep Liam’s spirits up while in prison. And that’s not the only thing they can agree on. Learn- ing the truth about his best buddy’s death puts Thomas in a dangerous situation.
Justin comes into his own at Spencer while Bill and Liam are “otherwise occupied.” Thomas was pursuing Justin’s niece, Emma, when she careened off the highway and died... and did- n’t even call for help. Reunited in prison, Bill and Liam discuss Justin’s plan to set them free. Being held captive, Thomas is horrified when Justin details his plan.
The Young & The Rest- less: Summer may want to watch her step, because Tara is about to take her threat-making game to the next level. Christine has news for Abby. Chelsea finds herself dreaming about Adam. Nate presents Elena with a sur- prise. Nick and Adam wind up on the same side. Summer de- cides that dishonesty might be the best policy, at least where re- cent events are concerned. Vic- toria and Ashland are continuing to get closer, so of course Billy is going to start try- ing to rattle the tycoon’s cage. Phyllis loves only one thing more than knowing a secret, and that’s being able to spill the beans.
Nothing can prepare Lauren for what’s about to happen. Abby is about to be rattled to the core by an unexpected return. Kyle must be in a pretty desper- ate place if he’s asking Sum- mer’s mom, Phyllis, for help.
Days of Our Lives: Some- times, the best games are ones you play against an unwitting opponent. Kate may find that out as she continues to torture Jake... who doesn’t even realize what’s going on! Xander has the best of intentions but... well, we know where the road paved with those leads. Lani may want to sit down, because she’s gonna be very surprised by the news Paulina’s about to share with her!
Lucas and Rafe have never re- ally been what you’d call best buds. But they do have at least a few things in common. Both are card-carrying members of the “I Married Sami Brady” club, they bond over just how much they despise another member of that club, EJ. EJ figures out a way to reach out to Kristen... which of course sends Sami into a com- plete panic.