Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 8-16-19
P. 8

 St. Peter Claver Welcomes Spiritual Leaders
  The St. Peter Claver Catholic Church and School Family welcomes Father Theobald Weria, Pastor of this 125-year-old historical institution of faith and edu- cational advancement.
Father Theo, as he is affectionately called, com- pleted his Theology studies at St. Charles Lwanza Col- lege and was ordained in Tanzania (East Africa) in 1998. He began his priestly ministry in the Diocese of St. Petersburg in 2001. Father Theo matriculated at St. Leo University (St. Leo, FL), 2015-2019, earning a degree in Mathematics.
Father Theo comes to St. Peter Claver at a pivotal time – the annual St. Peter Claver Celebration of its pa- tron saint, Peter Claver. He will preside over the planned festivities of Satur-
day and Sunday, September 7-8, 2019.
On Saturday, September 7, 12-4 p. m., a community picnic will be held on the school grounds at 1401 Gov- ernor Street, with lots of fun, family and food.
With the theme, “Take Up Your Cross” as the litur- gical guide, Mass will be cel- ebrated by Father Theo on Sunday, September 8, 10 a. m., with Deacon John Carter, guest speaker.
St. Peter Claver Church is located at 1203 N. Nebraska Avenue (Tampa). The com- munity is invited to attend this celebratory occasion.
The St. Peter Claver Church Family also wel- comes Deacon Ben Hooks, formerly of St. Patrick Catholic Church in Tampa. Deacon Ben and his wife, Pamela, are long-
...New Spiritual Leader at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church
time residents of Tampa Bay and are inspirations of the Catholic faith.
About Peter Claver
The story of Peter Claver is one of great sacri- fice and true Christian love. Peter Claver was born in
Catalonia, Spain in 1580, and attended a Jesuit Col- lege in Barcelona before traveling to the Indies. He arrived in Cartegena where he studied and was ordained a priest.
Peter Claver declared himself, “slave of the Ne- groes forever.” During the African slave trade he boarded every slave ship and ministered to the Africans, baptizing them, providing medications, food and other items to comfort them and convince them that he was not a slave trader. He bap- tized newborns and those who were dying after the horrendous journey across the ocean. Some estimates state that Peter Claver baptized as many as 300,000.
In 1650, Peter Claver contracted the plaque and
was mostly confirmed to his room. Unfortunately, he was grossly neglected and died on September 8, 1654. Upon his death he was heralded for his holiness. A public fu- neral was ordered, and he was buried with much pomp and circumstance. Peter Claver was canonized in 1888 by Pope Leo XIII.
Peter Claver has gained great popularity in the United States and South America. The Knights of Peter Claver, Incorporated, headquartered in New Or- leans, Louisiana, is the largest African American Catholic fraternal organiza- tion in the United States. The Knights of Peter Claver, Court #379, is organized at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in Tampa, Florida, and is a leading ministry at the church.

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