Page 28 - Florida Sentinel 12-16-16 Online Edition
P. 28
December Birthdays
Happy birthday wishes are sent to the following De- cember birthday celebrants: Warren A. Stoudmire, Merry Givens, Marilyn Harmon, Judith M. Dixon, Alvin McNair Jr., April McNair, Karen O'- Dennis, Deborah Martin, Condor Smith, Martin O'Dennis, Robert Daniel Thompson, Gloria Stephenson Martin, Ruth Dixon, Anthony
Johnson, Janice Har- mon, Chancey Heberson, Jacqueline Smith Jeffer- son, Afredia Simmons Cox, Danielle Nelson, Carolyn Harmon, Fred- erick Clay Reeves, Regi- nald Carter, Thomas Martin 3rd, Edgie Wal- lace, Jr., Saquan Mosley, and Regina Thompson.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Please remember to pray for the sick and shut-ins daily: Mary Hobley,
Mercy Johnson, Johnnie Mae Garner, Eloise Grif- fin, Marion Washington, Keith Ennis, and Sha'- Tayshia Brinson.
Asking for prayers for Mrs. Mattie Clark, who is in the hospital, we are pray- ing for a speedy recovery. This information was called in by her son, Rufus Rochelle.
Prayer Requests
The following persons are asking for prayer...Reginald Hodges, Sr., for his son, Reginald Hodges Jr., Thomas Hettsman- sperger (health), and Rufus Rochelle.
Keep President Barak Obama and family, military, homeless, incarcerated, missing in prayer also, pray for each other.
Soul Kafe Christmas Bash!
December 23, 2016 come out and join the fun at Soul Kafe from 7pm-10pm at the strip mall on corner of 78th Street and Flower Avenue in Progress Village.
Certified Production Technicians
Hillsborough Community College is offering a FREE 3- week course beginning Janu- ary 17, 2017 for women to
become Certified Production Technicians. The College has identified companies that will hire individuals after earning the Production Tech- nician Certificate.
If you are interested, con- tact Alice Thompson at 813-251-8437 ext. 272.
Information furnished by Centre for Women.
My Brothers 2 Keep Prison Minsitry
P. O. Box 89174, Tampa, FL 33689. FREE Bibles and Greeting Cards to Florida In- mates.
Healing Scripts Ministry
Pastor Taylor, P. O. Box 891186, Tampa, FL 33689 Healing Scripts sent to the mail to those in need of prayer or encouragement.
Scripture (1 Thes. 5:14)
Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the fee- bleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas into Gloria at 813-270-2257.