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   The Charter Review Board Has New Members
        BELINTHIA BERRY ...Appointed by Commissioner Kimberly Overman
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Members of the Hillsbor- ough County Charter Review Board will meet for the first time on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 – the beginning of their 1-year term.
Of those recently elected three of them are African American – Belinthia Berry, Atty. Ed Narain and Atty. Sean Shaw.
The Charter Review Board is appointed every five years, per a mandate by the Hillsborough County Char- ter, to conduct a comprehen- sive study of any or all phases of county government.
The Board of County Commissioners selects its 14 members. Each of the seven commissioners appoints two members from their district, none of whom can be an elected official.
Commissioners for Dis- tricts 1 – 4 must select mem- bers from their districts. The Countywide commissioners have no restrictions. All members must reside in and
ATTY. ED NARAIN ...Appointed by Commissioner Les Miller
be registered to vote in Hills- borough County.
Members shall serve a one year term, effective from the date of the first meeting.
Belinthia Berry, Pro- gram Director for St. Peters- burg College, was appointed by Commissioner Kim- berly Overman, of District 7.
She said, “This is a won- derful opportunity for me to continue my work in the community as a representa- tive of the people on the Charter Review Board as an appointee for Commis- sioner Overman.
Edwin (Ed) Narain, Esquire, was appointed by District 3 Commissioner, Les Miller. Narain is an executive with AT&T Com- munications.
“It’s an honor to have been selected by Commis- sioner Miller to serve the community in this capac- ity. Our county is rapidly growing and I am looking forward to working with the members of the board to re- view and suggest possible
ATTY. SEAN SHAW ...Appointed by Commissioner Mariella Smith
updates to the charter,” Narain said.
Atty. Sean Shaw of Vanguard & Associates was appointed by District 5 Com- missioner, Mariella Smith.
“I am honored to be ap- pointed to the Charter Re- view Board by Commissioner Mariella Smith. This Board is ap- pointed every 5 years to con- duct a study of all phases of county government. I be- lieve it is important for citi- zens to be involved in the operation of their govern- ments even without holding elected office.”
Others selected to serve for the next year are: Ms. Robin DeLaVergne and James Scarola, both ap- pointed by District 1 Com- missioner Sandra Murman; Ernest Mueller and Mitchell Thrower, III, both of whom were ap- pointed by Commissioner Ken Hagan, District 2; Tammy Briant, appointed by Commissioner Miller, District 3; Eric Johnson and Art Wood, appointed by Commissioner Stacy White, District 4; Edith Stewart, appointed by Dis- trict 5 Commissioner, Mariella Smith; Mary Figg and Ms. Stacy Yates, appointed by Dist. 6 Com- missioner, Pat Kemp; and Dr. Liana Fernandez Fox, appointed by Com- missioner Overman, Dist. 7.
   East Tampa Woman Is Contestant
In ‘Miss Florida USA’ Pageant
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Recently, a young East Tampa woman learned that she had been selected as a contestant for the “Miss Florida USA” Pageant. The pageant will be held in the fall.
Ms. Alexis Green will be representing the city as Miss East Tampa USA. “I am participating in the competi- tion to become an asset to millennial entrepreneurs,” she said.
A first-generation college student, Ms. Green stays active. She is a TBBBIC En- trepreneur, QuickBooks Pro- Advisor, Tax Expert, Licensed Cosmetologist, and CEO of LaDéviette Enter- prises and Xel Styles.
She is also the youngest person in her family to have a business.
“My goal is to provide fi- nancial tools, resources and sponsorships to millennials that aren’t fortunate enough
to receive higher education. Based on the demographics in East Tampa only 7% of in- dividuals have a bachelor’s degree. That’s approximately 1,434 people of East Tampa’s population.
Entrepreneurship can be a great alternative route to success. Success should not be measured by the ability to receive additional schooling, but the work you put in,” she said.

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