Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 12-9-16 Online Edition
P. 4

Voters Select Viera As City Council Representative
... Wins election by slim margin
... Loses election by 65 votes
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Tuesday, residents liv- ing in the New Tampa area se- lected a representative for City Council District 7 in a runoff election. Attorney Luis Viera was chosen the winner by a slim margin.
According to the Hillsbor- ough County Supervisor of Elections Office, Attorney Viera won 50.64% (2,588) percent of the votes to defeat Dr. Jim Davison, who earned 2,523 votes or 49.36% of the ballots casts.
Attorney Viera, 38, is the youngest of the candidates. He is a practicing attorney with the law firm of Odgen & Sullivan.
Dr. Davison, 61, is an Emergency Room physician.
He has served on the Health Care Advisory Board, the Emergency Medical Planning Council and the Health Care Task Force.
The seat became vacant after Council woman Lisa Montelione resigned to chal- lenge incumbent Shawn Har- rison for the State Representative District 63 post.
Viera will serve the re- maining 2-1/2 years if Ms. Montelione’s term.
Originally, six candidates were vying for the vacant seat. However, Attorney Viera and Dr. Davison were the top two vote getters in the Special Election held on November 8th.
Attorney Viera was sworn into office during their regular meeting on Thursday.
Housing Authority CEO Has Positive Outlook About Future
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
Recently, President-elect Donald Trump began an- nouncing prospective mem- bers of his Cabinet. Trump has chosen Ben Carson, a re- tired physician and former presidential candidate, to serve as the Secretary of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
So far, Carson is the only African American Trump has appointed. If confirmed by the Republican led U. S. Senate, Carson will come into the of- fice with no experience, having never held office.
If confirmed, Carson will be responsible for a program that will affect five million of the country’s poorest resi- dents.
Additionally, Carson said
JEROME RYANS CEO, President Tampa Housing Authority
while campaigning for the presidency that he did not be- lieve the poor was the concern of government.
When contacted by the
Sentinel, Jerome Ryans, President and CEO of the Tampa Housing Authority
said, “I have learned how to be flexible. Through the years, I have worked with Secretaries on both sides and I am looking forward to finding out what his program is.
“I believe that when it is all said and done, you do what’s in the best interest of your or- ganization.
“Some things need to change and he is a smart man with ideas that will be helpful.”
Ryans further said that al- though Carson made com- ments about the poor not being the responsibility of gov- ernment, he believes Carson will be flexible.
“People say all kinds of things while campaigning. But when people come to the table, they change. I’m not con- cerned about what he said while campaigning. I’m con- cerned about now.”
Middleton Class Of 1960 Meeting
The Middleton High School Class of 1960 will not have a Class Meeting during the month of De- cember. Instead of the meeting, we will have a Christmas Luncheon. Tickets for the Christmas Lunch- eon, which will be held on December 17, 2016 are still available.
For more information, please contact the class representative, Betty D. White at (8134) 767- 4925 or the Corresponding Secretary at (813) 741-9294.
Spring Registration For Baseball/Softball
Spring Registration for North Seminole baseball/softball will begin early next month at the field, 2501 River Hills Dr., Tampa (33604). Registration is for boys and girls ages 4-18 years old.
Coaches and volunteers are also needed. Please call (813) 933-6760 or (813) 404-1624.

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