Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 12-9-16 Online Edition
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Board Member
TOBA Selects Co-Chairs For The
2017 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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The Tampa Organization of Black Affairs (TOBA) will be hosting its 37th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Lead- ership Breakfast on Monday, January 16, 2017 at the Hilton Hotel – Downtown Tampa at 6:45 A. M.
The 2017 co-chairs for the 37th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Leadership Breakfast are Ms. Carla Hills and Mr. JaLem Robinson.
Ms. Carla Hills is a na- tive of Tampa, who studied Accounting at Tampa Bay Technical High School, grad- uating in 1991. She continued her studies in Accounting and Business Management at the University of Florida and Saint Leo University. Carla later completed the Public Relations Certificate Program at the University of South Florida.
Carla has a passion for making a difference in the lives of others. She is cur- rently employed with the Hillsborough County Tax Col- lector’s Office. Ms. Hills is a member of Delta Sigma Pi, Theta Phi Chapter and the Greater Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. She served as Marketing Chair on the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against
Breast Cancer Executive Committee and Hillsborough County Black Heritage Cele- bration Committee.
Mr. JaLem Robinson is a native of Tampa, and a graduate of Riverview High School. He began his college career at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, where he received his Associ- ate of Arts degree and later transferred to the University of South Florida to finish with a Bachelor’s of Science in English Education.
While working with after school programs in Hillsbor- ough County, he was inspired to mentor challenged youth to improve their chances for success.
Along this journey, he founded a non-profit organi- zation “Brothers United Building Brothers Alliance,”
BUBBA, INC. He also con- tributes to the betterment of our community through his music and service to others.
He is currently a Middle School Language Arts, Inten- sive Reading and Creative Writing teacher within the Hillsborough County Public School System.
TOBA is a nonprofit, non- partisan organization dedi- cated to non-partisan political education, economic and youth development within the African American toward the betterment of the entire community.
Individual tickets and cor- porate tables may be pur- chased on-line at; by postal mail at TOBA, P. O. Box 3485, Tampa, FL 33601; or by emailing us at tobamem-
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Tuesday, Ms. Tamara Sham- burger took her seat at a meeting of the Hillsborough County School Board. She is looking forward to making a difference in the lives of students.
Leadership Breakfast
‘Monumental Task’
And, while she is excited about the po-
sition she is filling, she does- n’t take her responsibilities lightly. “I have worked for this position and I will be a responsible member. I under- stand that there is a monu- mental task ahead of me.”
Attending the first meeting after her swearing in cere- mony on November 22nd, Ms. Shamburger said the ma- jority of the discussions per- tained to normal business. However, the members did decide to eliminate the cour- tesy bussing that the district had been offering to students who live less than two miles from their respective schools.
“I will always work for the families that I represent. But the vote was 6-1 to eliminate the buses. It’s always difficult taking from families,” she said.
Ms. Shamburger said she does not have any chil- dren enrolled in the district at this time. “But I was a
teenage mom and my daugh- ter is now 26. She attended the public schools in District 5.”
Ms. Shamburger, 41, said she looks forward to her role and to making sure that she has the students of Hills- borough County’s best inter- est at heart.
Ms. Shamburger, a Tampa native, graduated from Bloomingdale High School. She continued her ed- ucation at Hillsborough Com- munity College, where she earned an A. A. degree in Lib- eral Arts.
She enrolled at the Univer- sity of South Florida and earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science. Her Master of Business Ad- ministration Degree was be- stowed upon her.
The next meeting of the Hillsborough County School Board will take place after the New Year.

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