Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 12-20-19
P. 15

Prince Hall Shriners Host Annual Charity Clothes Closet Distribution Program
 Recently, the Nobles of Har- ram Temple No. 23, Inc., and volunteers distributed new and gently used clothing items from their Charity Clothes Closet Dis- tribution Program. The event was held on Saturday, Decem- ber 14, 2019, in conjunction with their Annual Holiday Food Basket Distribution/Give-a-way at the New Season Apostolic Ministries, Inc., 5100 N. Ne- braska Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33603. The Pastor is Samuel Washington.
These items were available to anyone who showed up for this event and in need.
HPP Alvin E. Walker
served as Project Chairman for this annual community/chari- table event.
The members of Harram Temple No. 23, Inc., Prince Hall Shriners, are grateful to all re- cipients, to those who donated clothing items, to those who volunteered their services, and to those who were involved in any way!
Prince Hall Shriners Prepare And Distribute Holiday Food Baskets
Under the leadership of
this holiday season.
This event was also on Sat-
urday, December 14, 2019, with partnership at the New Season Apostolic Ministries, Inc., 5100 N. Nebraska. HPP Darrell T. Thomas served as Project Chairman for this
community/charitable proj- ect/program.
Harram Temple No. 23, Inc. is a 501(C) (3) organiza- tion.
Reporter, HPIP Michael Dozier, is Temple Director, of Publicity and Promotion.
    Nobles and volunteers for Harram Temple No. 23, Inc. prepare for Holiday Food Basket Give-a-way.
New and gently used clothing was available for the clothing distribution.
 Noble James C. Holmes, Jr., Illustrious Potentate, and several committed Nobles from Harram Temple No. 23, Inc.,
Prince Hall Shriners and volun- teers prepared and distributed 77 Holiday Food Baskets to se- lected families in need during

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