Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 5-15-20
P. 17
HOMETOWN – Buffalo, NY
LIVES IN – Ruskin, FL
WIFE -- Jeannette E. Bunton (Kathy); 5 Sons
OWNER – Bunton Trucking, LLC, Ruskin, FL/Sav, GA PASTOR/ASST. PASTOR – LICENSED: 1979, ORDAINED, 1981
ASSOC. PASTOR/MUSICIAN-ORGANIST-DRUMMER- VOCALIST – Texas, Kentucky, Anchorage, AK, Nashville, TN, Missouri, S. Korea, Georgia, Tampa MEMBER/ASSOCIATE CLERGY MEMBER – New Salem M. B. Church, Tampa
Vice President Congress #3/Spiritual Advisor, Mt. Pil- grim MB Association of Florida
Current Member, Exciting Gospel Warriors of Tampa
May Birthday Celebrants
“Happy Birthday,” to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Dwayne Sanders, Sr. and Ronnie Tolbert, 5/2; Litha Beck- les and Charlene Upshaw- Jackson, 5/3; Antoinette Smith-Doughty and Edna Wilkerson, 5/5; Ricardo McPherson, 5/6; Vanessa Siplin-Williams, 5/8; Bernese Reese and Elouise Griffin, 5/11; Blair Daniels, 5/17; Wanda SmithMcKenzie and Ricky Martin, 5/18; Ryan McCall, Sr. and Rhonda Williams, 5/23; Gerald Hankerson, 5/25; Carolyn Underwood-Fogg, 5/26; Michael Danzey, 5/27; Carla Christine Phillips and Robbin Taylor, 5/28; and Elizabeth McMillan, 5/31.
Happy Anniversary
Happy 41st Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hamilton. Wishing you many more.
Sick And Shut-Ins
During these times, we continue lifting up our fellow Villagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp Jr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Single- ton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tol- bert, Lillian Tolbert, Henrietta Sanders, and Shirley Griffin.
Expressions Of Sympathy
Prayers and condolences extended to the Franklin family in the recent homego- ing of former resident, Mr. Ricardo Franklin.
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
5 years and is in the 9th through 12th grade may re- ceive $25.00 for each time they made the Honor Roll during this school year. In addition, graduating seniors can receive $100 cash.
For more information about the monies for Honor Roll, Graduation, or the Scholarship money, you may call Mrs. Lois C. S. Bow- ers at 813-677-6438 or Mrs. Linda Washington at 813- 741-3604, www.progressvil-
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, call (813) 272-5900 to pre-regis- ter and schedule an appoint- ment. Insurance is not required, and testing is free. Stay Safe by Staying in Place ***Wear masks*** Follow the guidelines given by local, state, and national leaders, such as staying home, wash- ing your hands frequently, and practicing social distanc- ing when going out.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.
Progress Village
Foundation Note: Banquet Cancelled
Any student living in Progress Village for the past
Keeping Tigers Informed
1. Students will be earn- ing a grade for this last quar- ter of school. Students must Pass in order to Receive Credit.
2. Log into Edsby daily to obtain assignments and com- municate with your teachers.
3. ATTENTION ALL SENIORS, CLASS OF 2019-2020, you MUST pass your classes to earn your full credits in order to graduate.
COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY - JULY 21st 9 A. M. at the Florida State Fairgrounds. (Purchase Cap & Gown @balfourfl. com). Cap and gown distribu- tion will take place every Fri-
day. Students will be con- tacted to pick up their cap and gown once they have met the graduation requirements.
Contact your guidance counselor (see below) to dis- cuss if you are on track to graduate. SENIORS have an opportunity to improve 3rd 9 weeks grades. TAKE AD- VANTAGE OF THIS OPPOR- TUNITY!!
To maintain your college acceptances and scholar- ships, please preserve your GPA at its highest level by ending the school year suc- cessfully.
Elmer Rhone - Magnet Seniors: 813-485-5927
Monica George - Last name begins with: A-L (Tra- ditional): 813-540-0163
Chantelle Harrison -
Last name begins with: M-Z (Traditional): 321-348-7356
John Greene - Innova- tion Academy: 813-540-2980 Igxie Rivera - Magnet Juniors Graduating Early:
Grab And Go
Nutritious meals are dis- tributed every Wednesday at the same 147 sites -- between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. This will include one pound of lunch meat, a loaf of bread, milk, juice and nutritious snacks. Students will receive enough food for each school day.
Buses will also be trans- porting foods into specific neighborhoods for pick up every Wednesday.
For additional informa- tion, please visit Hillsbor-
Tonya A. Sheffield- Floyd, M.S., Magnet Lead Community Volunteer Coor- dinator, Middleton High School; Tia Brown, Princi- pal.