Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 5-22-20
P. 17

  Guidance For Reopening Buildings After Prolonged Shutdown Or Reduced Operation
   Happy Memorial Day Be Safe
May Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Blair Daniels, 5/17; Wanda Smith-McKenzie and Ricky Martin, 5/18; Ryan McCall, Sr. and Rhonda Williams, 5/23; Gerald Hankerson, 5/25; Carolyn Underwood-Fogg, 5/26; Michael Danzey, 5/27; Carla Christine Phillips and Robbin Taylor, 5/28; and Elizabeth McMillan, 5/31.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp Jr., Clennie Mc- Cray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, Henrietta Sanders, and Shirley Grif-
fin.Ms. Shirley Griffin
sends her hello to everyone. She is still recuperating and blessed with continued heal- ing.
Happy Anniversary
Congratulations to Burnin Barber-Que on your 1-year Anniversary. Great Job!
age of 40 who have "Departed to Serve."
Ashley currently serves as Vice President for the local Alumni Tampa Chapter of Bethune-Cookman Univer- sity.
Baby News
Congratulations to grand- parents, Anthony and Ann Pittman as they welcome their newest grandson, (Micha), born 5/15 to par- ents, Anthony and She- copi.
Roll, Graduation, or the Scholarship money, you may call Mrs. Lois C. S. Bowers at 813-677-6438 or Mrs. Linda Washington at 813- 741- 3604. www.progressvillagefounda-
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Experiencing Symptoms?
If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, call (813) 272-5900 to preregister and schedule an appointment. Insurance is not required, and testing is free.
Stay Safe By Staying In Place ***Wear Masks***
Follow the guidelines given by our local, state, and national leaders, such as stay- ing home, washing your hands frequently, and practic- ing social distancing when going out.
Progress Village Civic Council News
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.
     Progress Village
Foundation Note: Banquet Cancelled
Any student living in Progress Village for the past 5 years and is in the 9th through 12th grade may re- ceive $25.00 for each time they made the Honor Roll during this school year.
In addition, graduating seniors can receive $100 cash. For more information about the monies for Honor
Of Sympathy
Prayers and condolences extended to the Hill family in the recent homegoing of for- mer resident, Mr. Edward Hill.
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
40 Under 40
Congratulations goes out to Ashley McKenzie for being selected as one of Bethune-Cookman Univer- sity’s 2020 40 Under 40 Awards Nominees. BethuneCookman Univer- sity's 40 Under 40 Awards, hosted by the Office of Alumni Giving, recognizes the Univer- sity's top graduates under the
   Due to the COVID-19 pan- demic, many buildings and other properties have been un- occupied for an extended pe- riod. When water is stagnant for an extended time, there can be a build-up of hazardous metals and bacteria such as Legionella, which can cause a serious threat to drinking water.
Legionella can grow and multiply, and transmit through aerosolized water droplets. The water droplets can be transmitted through showerheads, hot tubs, sink faucets, centralized air-cooling systems, and large plumbing systems.
Legionella can cause seri- ous diseases and endanger the health of the community, es- pecially vulnerable popula- tions.
Here are some tips to pre- vent Legionella from develop-
• Develop a comprehen-
sive water management pro- gram (WMP) for your water system and all devices that use water.
• Ensure your water heater is properly maintained and the temperature is correctly set.
• Flush your water system.
• Clean all decorative water features, such as fountains.
• Ensure hot tubs/spas are safe for use.
• Ensure cooling towers are clean and well-maintained.
• Ensure safety equipment including fire sprinkler sys- tems, eye wash stations, and safety showers are clean and well-maintained.
• Maintain your water sys- tem.
(The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has additional information on Re- opeining Buildings)

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