Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 2-18-20
P. 6
Political News
Mike Bloomberg Makes History With The Black Press Of America
The Trump Administration Is
Sending UnitsTo CitiesToHelp
ICE Round Up Undocumented
NNPA NEWSWIRE — “The Bloomberg campaign’s ini- tiative is groundbreaking, and it goes to significantly increas- ing the economic health of African Americans by tripling their net worth,” said Colum- bia, South Carolina Mayor Steve Benjamin, who co- chairs Bloomberg’s cam- paign. “The Bloomberg model is intentionally focused on creating a million new African American homeown- ers, 100,000 new African American-owned businesses, and $70 billion in federal cap- ital to go in the 100 most chal- lenged neighborhoods across the country.”
Recognizing the impor- tance of the Black vote and the reach of the Black Press of America, Democratic Presi- dential Candidate Mike Bloomberg has just deliv- ered the largest single adver- tising buy to the Black Press in the 80-year history of the Na- tional Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA).
The NNPA is the national trade association that repre- sents 230 black-owned news- papers and media companies throughout the nation.
The $3.5 million ad buy became official on Monday, Feb. 10, 2020, during Black History Month. It enables Bloomberg to continue his aggressive campaign for presi- dent with ads appearing in Black Press of America publi- cations throughout the upcom- ing Super Tuesday states, as well as other key states where the Black vote will be the de-
WASHINGTON -Immigra- tion authorities have begun conducting raids, a senior ad- ministration official said Sun- day, in an operation expected to target about 2,000 undocu- mented immigrants ordered by courts to be removed from the country.
The raids, which will focus on recent arrivals to the coun- try, are slated for Atlanta, Bal- timore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Tampa, New York and San Francisco, a senior immigra- tion official said. New Orleans is also on the list, but the city tweeted last week that US Im- migration and Customs En- forcement said it would suspend operations through the weekend in areas hit by Tropical Storm Barry, which weakened to a tropical depres- sion Sunday.
As of early Sunday evening, there weren't any confirmed reports of migrants being ap- prehended in Baltimore, Chicago or New York, immi- grant advocacy groups in those cities told CNN.
"For the most part, it's quiet," Cara Yi, a spokes- woman for the Illinois Coali- tion for Immigrant and Refugee Rights said. "We've been dispatching rapid re- sponse teams out to meet with people who have reported ICE activity over our hotline. None have been confirmed as of yet."
Most of the reports were about sightings of government
vehicles, Yi said, but advo- cates had confirmed they were not ICE.
The American Civil Liber- ties Union of New York said earlier on Twitter that it had received "some reports of ICE at subway stations, but none have been substantiated."
Acting US Citizenship and Immigration Services director Ken Cuccinelli took issue with referring to the targets of the raids as undocumented.
"They're not undocu- mented. They've got a court order on a piece of paper -- federal order -- that says they've gotten due process, and (there are) over a million people with removal orders. That's the pool that ICE is drawing from," he told CNN.
Some of the citizens say they are waiting for their green cards to get cleared. Au- thorities say they will still be picked up.
terminative factor in the Dem- ocratic Party primaries.
Columbia, South Carolina
Mayor Steve Benjamin, who co-chairs Bloomberg’s campaign, said the deal is re- flective of the former New York City mayor’s commit- ment toward building an in- clusive economy.
“The Bloomberg cam- paign’s initiative is ground- breaking, and it goes to significantly increasing the economic health of African Americans by tripling their net worth,” said Mayor Ben- jamin. “The Bloomberg model is intentionally focused on creating a million new African American homeown- ers, 100,000 new African American-owned businesses, and $70 billion in federal cap- ital to go in the 100 most chal- lenged neighborhoods across the country.”
Benjamin added that the ad agreement counts as a recognition that, while some people only talk about accom- plishing important initiatives, Bloomberg follows through. “Mike has a history and a
record as mayor, CEO, and philanthropist, of getting things done,” Benjamin stated. “The ad buy not only is a show of respect to the in- credible impact and impor- tance of African American journalism but also it is Mike walking the walk when it comes to his investing in African American-owned busi- nesses.”
More Than 1,100 Former Prosecutors And Other DOJ Officials Call On Attorney General Bill Barr To Resign
Michael Bloomberg Opens Campaign Office In Tampa And
Six Across Florida
Democratic presidential candi- date hopeful Michael Bloomberg opened seven new campaign offices in Florida, bringing the total number to 10 throughout the state. Scott Kosanovich, the campaign’s state director for Florida, said offices in Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Gainesville, Sanford, Sarasota, Tallahas- see, and West Palm Beach opened on Saturday.
The former New York City mayor already had offices in St. Petersburg, Orlando, and the Little Havana area of Miami.
More than 1,110 former Jus- tice Department officials who served in Republican as well as Democratic administrations posted a statement Sunday calling on Attorney General Bill Barr to resign.
"Mr. Barr's actions in doing the President's personal bidding unfortunately speak louder than his words. Those actions, and the damage they have done to the Department of Justice's reputation for in- tegrity and the rule of law, re- quire Mr. Barr to resign. But because we have little expecta- tion he will do so, it falls to the Department's career officials to take appropriate action to uphold their oaths of office and defend nonpartisan, apo- litical justice," the officials
wrote in a statement.
The rare statement from the
officials -- mostly former ca- reer prosecutors, but also some former political ap- pointees -- came in the wake of an extraordinary week at the Justice Department. In just
one week, career prosecutors withdrew from a case after Barr overruled their sentenc- ing recommendation, the at- torney general pushed back against the President in an un- usual interview and separately ordered an examination of po- litically charged cases involv- ing those close to President Donald Trump.
The statement went on to say career attorneys should re- port any troubling actions they see to the department's In- spector General.
The Justice Department declined to comment when reached by CNN Sunday. Barr has so far not given any indica- tion that he is considering stepping down from his cur- rent role.