Page 14 - Florida Sentinel 10-23-20
P. 14
Government Leaders, Officials To Meet Apartment Residents On ‘Quality Of Life Issues’
ORLANDO GUDES ...Tampa City Councilman
City of Tampa and Hills- borough County Government staff, Tampa City Council- men Orlando Gudes and Luis Viera, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kim- berly Overman and the staff of State Rep. Fentrice Driskell will meet apart- ment residents on Tuesday, October 27, 2020.
The meeting on apart- ment quality of life issues
KIMBERLY OVERMAN ...Hillsborough County Commissioner
and social services will be held at Crossover Church, 1235 E. Fowler Ave., Tampa 33612, at 6 p. m.
This is a forum for resi- dents of apartments to speak with City of Tampa and Hills- borough County officials/staff on the quality of life issues relevant to them.
Staff from Code Enforce- ment, housing, social service,
LUIS VIERA ...Tampa City Councilman
law enforcement and other departments will be in atten- dance.
This will be an outdoor event – in the parking lot of the church – and social dis- tancing will be expected. Face masks should be worn by all participants and atten- dees.
To RSVP for the event, please email luis.viera@tam-
City Of Tampa Issues RFP For Development Of City-Owned Land In
West River Area For Mixed-Income Housing
The City of Tampa has is- sued a request for proposals (“RFP”) from qualified per- sons or entities for the devel- opment of approximately 18-acres of City-owned land in the West Tampa Community Redevelopment Area. The property, known as the Rome Yard, is located immediately west of the Hillsborough River, east of Rome Avenue, south of Columbus Drive, and north of Spruce Street.
This project is one of many new developments in the West River area. The site is located in close proximity to the Hills- borough River, which will soon feature an extension of the Tampa Riverwalk on the west side, thanks to a $24 mil- lion BUILD grant awarded to the City of Tampa from the Department of Transporta- tion.
The City’s primary objec- tive with this RFP is to support the West Tampa neighbor- hood by encouraging the de- velopment of a wide range of benefits that can serve this evolving community, includ- ing mixed-income housing that aligns with the City’s strategic housing affordability goals. The site should also be developed in a way that com-
plements the surrounding community, accounts for transportation and sustain- ability, and drives opportuni- ties for place-making, minority participation, and community investment.
“With this RFP, we are looking for developers that un- derstand and appreciate the unique character of West Tampa and who are passion- ate about uplifting the com- munity as we Transform Tampa’s Tomorrow,” says Mayor Jane Castor. “By placing a key emphasis on housing affordability and strategic growth, we can invest back into this dynamic neigh- borhood and continue shaping the West River area into a top destination for residents to live, work and play.”
Proposals must be received by the City no later than 12:00 PM (EST) on December 15, 2020. The RFP package, in- structions, and additional in- formation about this community redevelopment opportunity may be obtained from the City’s website at tam- pagov.-net/DEO/RFPs, or by contacting Mr. Rob Rosner, Director of Economic Oppor- tunity, at Rob.Rosner@tam-