Page 24 - Florida Sentinel 5-8-20
P. 24

Here is the
Progress Village News
Middleton News
      May Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers celebrat- ing this month: Dwayne Sanders, Sr. and Ronnie Tolbert, 5/2; Litha Beckles and Charlene Upshaw- Jackson, 5/3; Antoinette Smith-Doughty and Edna Wilkerson 5/5; Vanessa Siplin-Williams, 5/8; Bernese Reese and Elouise Griffin, 5/11; Blair Daniels, 5/17; Wanda SmithMcKenzie, and Ricky Martin, 5/18; Ryan McCall, Sr. and Rhonda Williams, 5/23; Gerald Hankerson, 5/25; Carolyn Underwood-Fogg, 5/26; Michael Danzey, 5/27; Carla Christine Phillips and Robbin Taylor, 5/28; and Elizabeth McMillan, 5/31.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Clennie Mc- Cray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, Henrietta Sanders, and Shirley Grif- fin.
Expressions Of Sympathy
Prayers and condolences are extended to the Shuler and London families in the recent homegoing of former resident, Mr. John Shuler.
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal.”
Progress Village Foundation Note: Banquet Cancelled
Any student living in Progress Village for the past 5 years and is in the 9th through 12th grade may receive $25.00 for each time they made the Honor Roll during this school year. In addition, graduating seniors can receive $100 cash.
For more information about the monies for Honor Roll, Graduation, or the Scholarship money, you may call Mrs. Lois C. S. Bowers at 813- 677-6438 or Mrs. Linda Washington at 813-741- 3604. www.progressvillage-
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Experiencing Symptoms?
New testing sites at several community resource centers in the county have been opened. If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, call (813) 272- 5900 to pre-register and schedule an appointment. Insurance is not required, and testing is free.
Stay Safe by Staying in Place ***Wear masks*** Follow the guidelines given by our local, state, and national leaders, such as staying home, washing your hands frequently, and practicing social distancing.
Hillsborough County gov- ernment is extending all exist- ing County closures through May 15, 2020.
Progress Village Civic Council News
Call your news for Progress Village and surrounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741-3604.
Keeping Tigers Informed
1. Students will be earn- ing a grade for this last quar- ter of school. Students must Pass in order to Receive Credit.
2. Log into Edsby daily to obtain assignments and com- municate with your teachers.
3. ATTENTION ALL SENIORS, CLASS OF 2019- 2020, you MUST pass your classes to earn your full cred- its in order to graduate. COMMENCEMENT CERE- the Florida State Fair- grounds. (Purchase Cap & Gown Cap & Gown add that cap distribu- tion will take place every Fri- day. Students will be contacted to pick up their cap and gown once they have met the graduation requirements.
Contact your guidance counselor (see below) to dis- cuss if you are on track to graduate. SENIORS have an opportunity to improve 3rd 9 weeks grades. TAKE ADVAN- TAGE OF THIS OPPORTU- NITY!!
To maintain your college acceptances and scholar- ships, please preserve your GPA at its highest level by ending the school year suc- cessfully.
Elmer Rhone - Magnet
Seniors: 813-485-5927 Monica George - Last name begins with: A-L (Tra-
ditional): 813-540-0163 Chantelle Harrison - Last name begins with: M-Z
(Traditional): 321-348-7356 John Greene - Innova- tion Academy: 813-540-2980 Igxie Rivera - Magnet Juniors Graduating Early:
4. Report cards are avail- able for you to view now in Edsby.
Third quarter report cards for the 2019-2020 school year are now available online for all 6th through 12th grade students via the report card website - [ https://report- ]https:/ /
The report card can be ac- cessed by either entering the student’s number and pass- word or by using the stu- dent’s assigned Personal Identification Number (PIN).
You can request a PIN electronically at [https://re- questPin/ ]https://reportcar
Grab And Go
Nutritious meals every Wednesday at the same 147 sites — between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. This will include one pound of lunch meat, a loaf of bread, milk, juice and nutritious snacks. Students will receive enough food for each school day.
Buses will also be trans- porting foods into specific neighborhoods for pick up every Wednesday.
For a list of frequently asked questions, please visit
Tonya A. Sheffield- Floyd, M.S., Magnet Lead Community Volunteer Coor- dinator, Middleton High School, Tia Brown, Princi- pal

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