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High blood pressure is more severe in Black people. Diets rich in sodium doesn’t help our ge- netic predisposition at all. Blue- berries contain magnesium, potassium and calcium – miner- als that have been proven to de- crease blood pressure.
Diabetes Management
Blueberries are rich in fiber, a necessary ingredient for lower- ing blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetics who consumed blueberries also showed healthy blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels. Studies have shown that eating 3 serv- ings of blueberries per week re- duced participants’ risk of type 2 diabetes by 7%.
Good for the Heart
Heart disease, like diabetes, affects Black people dispropor- tionately. Where do we start with the benefits of blueberries with this one? First, the high fiber content in blueberries lowers the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Minerals like potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrient content all con- tribute to optimum heart health.
Cancer Fighter
Good news for Black men: prostate cancer can be warded off by a healthy dose of blueber- ries in your diet. The vitamin C, vitamin A and phytonutrients in blueberries have powerful an- tioxidants that protect your cells from tumor growth and inflam- mation. The folate in blueberries also serves as synthesis and re- pair agents, stopping the forma- tion of cancer cells from mutations. Throat, lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrial, pancre- atic and colon cancer all benefit from the bluest eye of fruits.
Bowel Regularity
If you’re having trouble get- ting back and forth to the toilet with a regular stool, blueberries are the tool to get your bowels moving. That powerful thing called fiber is responsible for preventing constipation and keeping your digestive tract in tip top shape.
       Blueberries get their blue color from a flavonoid known as anthocyanins. Fruits and vegeta- bles such as cranberries, egg- plants and red cabbage are also beneficiaries of this water soluble pigment changer. Outside of pro- viding nature with another hue of the rainbow, blueberries also have a vast amount of health benefits. Blueberries are a popu- lar summertime favorite and rightfully so!
Bone Health
Blueberries strengthen your bones and help maintain struc- ture. Blueberries are rich with
ganese, zinc, iron, phosphorous and vitamin K. Our bone elastic- ity and strength are maintained by iron and zinc. Blueberries help ward off bone fracture due to their high vitamin K content. Low levels of vitamin K and bone fracture are correlated.
Keeps Blood Pressure in Check
magnesium, man-

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