Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 3-17-20
P. 9
Unofficial Results Of 2020 Presidential Preference Primary
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Sunday, March 15th, Early Voting for the 2020 Presidential Preference Pri- mary Election came to a close. At the close of voting, 43,010 registered voters in Hillsborough County had casts their ballots.
Additionally, more than 100,000 registered voters had completed vote-by-mail ballots. The 2020 Presiden- tial Preference Primary Elec- tion will take place on Tuesday, March 17, 2020.
The breakdown of Early Voting by locations is as fol- lows:
Apollo Beach Commu- nity Center, 874;
Austin Davis Public Li- brary, 754;
Bloomingdale Re- gional Public Library, 4,321;
Bruton Memorial Li- brary, 2,094;
C. Blythe Andrews, Jr., Public Library, 1,816;
Fred B. Karl County Center, 1,373;
Jan Platt Regional Li- brary, 3,928;
Jimmie Keel Regional
Public Library, 3,870; Maureen B. Gauzza
Public Library, 1,989; New Tampa Regional
Library, 2,733;
North Tampa Branch
Library, 1,520;
Northdale Recreation
Center, 750;
Northwest Elections
Office, 620;
Port Tampa Commu-
nity Center, 279; Providence West
Community Center, 484; Riverview Branch Li-
brary, 2,542;
Robert L. Gilder Elec-
tions Service Center,
Southeast Elections Office, 541;
SouthShore Regional Library, 3,106;
Temple Terrace Public Library, 2,673;
Town N. Country Pub- lic Library, 1,849;
USF TECO Hall (David C. Anchin Center), 1,180; and
West Tampa Branch Library, 1,471.
Individuals who have not voted by mail or at the Early Voting Locations will be re- quired to vote at their as-
signed voting precincts. Voters will be required to provide one or two forms of identification. If your photo
signature, you will be asked to provide another ID that has your signa- ture.
proper identification may still vote a provisional ballot, which will later be evaluated by a canvassing board for eli- gibility.
ID does not include your Individuals
True Prosperity Evangelist Outreach Massive Grocery And Truck Giveaway
True Prosperity Evangelist Outreach, with Pastors Cor- nelius and Devlyn Hamilton, will host its Massive Gro- cery Give-Away on Wednesday, April 1, 2020. Activities begin at 5:30 p. m., at 8751 N. 40th St., Tampa 33604.
As part of the April Grocery Give-Away, the Ministry will also give away a free vehicle. A 1997 Dodge Ram will be given to someone who registers by calling (813) 380-0258. Winner must have valid driver’s license.