Page 34 - Florida Sentinel 9-25-20
P. 34

News From The Nation
We've Hit 200,000 COVID-19 Deaths In 6 Months. What Will The Next 6 Months Look Like?
     It's been six months since the World Health Organization first declared COVID-19 as a pan- demic. Since then, over 30 million people worldwide have been in- fected, and we're rapidly ap- proaching 1 million global deaths.
The U. S. is among the world's most-affected countries, now hit- ting a sobering milestone: 200,000 American lives lost to COVID-19.
"This is our worst global pan- demic in more than a century. And it is incredibly distressing to see the consequences. It's heart-
breaking to see the ones who have been lost, the families who are grieving, other people whose livelihood has been incredibly dis- rupted by the economic conse- quences," director of the National Institute of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, told ABC News' Bob Woodruff.
Unfortunately, experts say things could get worse before they get better.
Experts warn that colder weather and drier air will result in an uptick of COVID-19 cases this winter.
"As the colder weather will drive people indoors, we have to anticipate that there may be an acceleration in transmission and be prepared to handle the in- creased number of cases that may result," Amesh Adalja, MD, FIDSA, infectious disease special- ist and Senior Scholar at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, told ABC News.
When flu season coincides with the ongoing pandemic, we'll have an even bigger challenge on our hands.
Magic Johnson Granted Restraining Order Against Alleged Stalker
 Lakers legend Magic Johnson says a man has been harassing him.
Basketball icon Magic John- son has taken preventative action against a man he says has been stalking, harassing, and threaten- ing him.
According to Bleacher Report, Willie Frazier, 61, alleges that Johnson stole his identity. His harassment has included constant phone calls to Johnson’s home and office. As reported by TMZ, the man has been harassing Johnson and his employees for
years, but recently escalated his behavior by making it to the floor of Johnson’s Los Angeles offices twice in this year.
Frazier was not able to get in- side the suite where Johnson was but slipped some of his de- mands under the door. He’s asked for money and in the past, said that he worked for the FBI and would harm Johnson and his employees if his demands weren’t met.
A judge agreed with Johnson’s lawyers after hearing testimony from employees and issued a tem- porary restraining order to keep Frazier 100 feet from Johnson and several of his staffers on Mon- day.

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