Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 7-3-20
P. 17

  Soap Opera Spoilers It’s Puzzle Time
     General Hospital: Original air date January 29, 2010: Sonny shoots Dante.
Original air date July 4, 2010: Kristina and Sonny attend therapy.
Original air date November 7, 2014: Michael holds a gun on Sonny to make him pay for killing AJ.
Original air date June 29, 2015: Michael gives Avery back to Sonny.
Original air date February 26, 2016: Sonny stops Morgan from jumping off the roof of General Hospital.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Originally aired on August 13, 2014. Wyatt convinces Hope to take the marital plunge — literally — in Monte Carlo.
Originally aired on August 12, 2005. Maya and Rick’s wedding day arrives.
 Originally aired on September 14, 2015. Ridge and Caroline head to the beach and pronPoruongcerethsesmVsiellvaegse‘husband and wife’.
OriginallyFaoiruednodnatSieopnteSmcbhero2la6r, s2h01ip7.
The Young & ThAeppRleicstalteisosn: Originally aired on September 21,
1994. PaulpHulilsghouStcahllotohleSsteonpisotrospirnopPorsoegtroeCsshristine,SharonCollins
setshersVigihlltasgoen, NificykouanadrVeictolrlemgea-kbeosuansdacroirficetoprotectNewman
in Sharon.
planning to attend a technical school
Originally aired on December 14, 1994. Paul’s mother, Mary
after graduation, it is now time to pick
Williams, makes a surprise appearance at Christine’s bridal shower,
up your application for our Commu-
Drucilla shares surprising news and Nikki worries about Nick’s interest
nity Scholarship Program. Applica-
tions are due May 3, 2017.
Days Of Our Lives: Gabi’s verdict is delivered. Lani receives help Any student living in Progress Vil-
from someone unexpected. Valerie has a surprise for Eli. Marlena com-
lage for the past five (5) years and is
forts Brady, who longs for his
in the 9th through 12th grade may re-
Kristen and Brady reunite. A shocking guest crashes Lani and Eli’s
ceive $25.00 for each time they made
wedding! Rafe and Hope share a nice moment. Gabi and Chad face off.
the Honor Roll during this school
Chaos erupts at Lani and Eli’s wedding. Lani attempts to diffuse a
year. In addition, graduating seniors
dangerous situation. Gabi and Jake eagerly await his DNA test results.
can receive $100 cash.
Claire and Ciara bond over wedding planning.
     Cancer (June 21-July 22): For the rest of this year, your ambition will be
 aroused as neIvferyboeufohrea.vIen fancty, iqf uyoeustairoenusndaebro5u0tyears old, you will never
have felt this ambitious in your adult life before. For the rest of the year, you will the monies for Honor Roll, Gradua-
work extremely hard! Naturally, you want to be your own boss. Unfortunately, tion or the Scholarship money, you
this high energy to achieve will put you at odds with employers, bosses and par- ents. may call Mrs. Lois C. S. Bowers at
Leo (8Ju13ly-62737-A-6u4g3. 282): oFror thMe rrest.of thLisinyedara, you will do more creative intellectual work than usual. You might explore new beliefs and methodologies;
Washington at 741-3604.
and if you embrace them, you will want to share them with others. Caution: Be
careful about trying to coerce others into believing as you do. Your best bet is to throw your energy into expanding your mind!
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You might be in conflict with someone, which in turn forces you to re-examine and change your own position. You might also realize that your values are different than someone else's values? Mars will also help you to see the transforming quality of an intense, physical, intimate rela- tionship.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Oy vey! Fiery Mars is opposite your sign for the rest of year. Sheesh! This affects your closest friendships and partnerships, in- cluding marriage. It encourages conflicts with those who are closest to you. The problem is you don't want to give in or to compromise.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Although you want to work for yourself and get credit for what you do - because of the placement of Mars, you may have to work on behalf of someone else. They might even want to take credit for your ac- complishments! (Whaaat?) It will be tough to be a team player for the rest of this year. Ideally, try to maneuver yourself into a position where you don't have to work with others or for anyone else.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lucky you! You will even surprise yourself by seeing that you are ready to demand to be who you are and do exactly what you want! You will feel playful! You will make more effort to seek out amuse- ments and pleasure.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): For the next six months, your home life will be active and perhaps chaotic. This could be due to renovations, residential moves or visiting guests. Furthermore, you will insist on having your surround- ings exactly the way you want them to be. The upside is that the rest of this year will gift you with opportunities to practice patience - one of the greatest virtues.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You will be a force to contend with because all your communications with others will be direct and proactive. You will say what you mean - and mean what you say! This is because you will identify strongly with your ideas and opinions.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): You might find yourself defending your val- ues to others. You will be more fixated on money and possessions than usual. This could be because suddenly, for some reason, you feel that you are your bank account, your car, your furniture or your property.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Not since 1988 have you been so fired up and for so long! With your ruler Mars in your sign for the rest of the year (excluding the 10 weeks of its retrograde period) you will have boundless energy! You will feel that you have a chance to show the world what you can do. Be nice.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): There's no way to sugarcoat this. The fact is that for the rest of the year, Mars will be hiding in your chart, and Mars is an ag- gressive, forthright, in-your-face planet that doesn't like to hide. This is why you will be robbed of the credit you deserve for something you do.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): You will be obsessed with goal setting for the rest of this year because Mars will urge you to define goals and pursue them! "Get up! Get dressed! Go, go, go!" Actually, you can easily achieve your goals this year by cooperating with others. It's a delicate balance. Find common goals. Ob- viously because of the high energy of Mars, physical activity with friends such as athletics will be rewarding.

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