Page 4 - Florida Sentinel 7-3-20
P. 4

   Commissioner Les Miller Receives Hurtful Emails
 Most Americans support taking steps to control the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), new polling data show. Three meas- ures -- mandatory temperature checks before entering enclosed public spaces, wearing masks once inside, and required isolation for people who test positive -- received the strongest support. But that support was skewed by political leanings.
The new survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University found that overall, more than three-quarters of Americans support those three restrictions.
However, those restrictions to control the virus do not set well with some residents in the Bay Area.
Because of his suggestion to wear masks (he had the support of 5 others on the EPG committee) and because he chairs the Emer- gency Policy Group, Commissioner Les Miller has been targeted with some rather racist emails. Emotionally stating, “These are the worst ones I’ve received.”
The commissioner says he was hurt by the attacks because, “I’m only trying to save lives.”
He received threats against his life and the life of his family members back in April because of his stance on restraining the growth of COVID-19 in Hillsborough County.
The threatening emails to Commissioner Miller’s office starting coming in before Thursday’s (June 25) 1:30 p. m. meeting. At 8:25 A. M. White Majority wrote: “Shortage of breath- masks, so we can't buy GROCERIES, so we can't EAT. You are
*STUPID* beyond belief!!!!”
You are *STUPID*, STUPID beyond belief.
No wonder, because your master, the chairman, is a N*****. And everyone knows subhuman N****** are S_T_U_P_I_D. Two hours later (10:25 A. M.), “Stonewall Jackson” wrote: Only use the National Guard to control the N******!! They were
taken from the jungle, nobody can take the jungle out of them.
His office received just before the meeting at 1:26 P. M. from KKK:
“I've been told a n***** has to be told how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, because theyre so dumb. Ordinances you've writ- ten are not effective and illegal and overturned by governor. Or- dinances that would be effective, youre too dumb to think of.”
The Commissioner also received an email on Saturday using the ‘N’ word again, swastikas, and telling him to die.
 Council To Focus On Committee To Tackle Social Equity Issues
 BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
After a 2-week holiday break, the Tampa City Council will return with a full slate of upcoming meetings.
One of the items they will discuss in upcoming weeks will be the formation of an Economic Advi- sory Committee. At a May meeting, City Council- man Bill Carlson (D-4) proposed the outline of an Economic Advisory Committee to tackle social equity issues.
The Mayor’s Transformation 3 agenda had been addressing several of these issues in public forums.
But Councilman Carlson wants to look deeper. He wants to look into ways to reduce poverty, improve median incomes and end racial and gender disparities.
He’s also hopeful that this committee will help with finding ways to equalize development and growth in areas like East Tampa, Sulphur Springs and other blighted areas.
Councilman Carlson is displeased with the way the former administration treated the City of Tampa – the number of people in poverty grew, while those in middle class shrank. “Tampa is now ranked 2nd to last in the state ranked by homeown- ership and poverty rate,” he said.
Carlson, who said he has been volunteering with community inequities for more than 25 years, is hopeful that the committee will “a) provide a new generation of leaders with sound economic data (provided by USF) to show where we are and to set measurable benchmarks for where we want to go, b) build consensus around strategies the City and community can use to reach those goals, c) give input into the creation of a more permanent structure/process to guide economic decision making in the future.”
He’s working with Carole Post, Administra- tor for Development and Economic Opportunity,
City of Tampa, and the mayor’s office to discuss the formation of the com- mittee.
At last week’s Council meeting (June 25th), the Council approved the Mayor's recommenda- tion, that had addressed Housing Affordability, Workforce Development advisory recommenda- tions; and Transporta- tion Development
“The Mayor is now working with Chair
(Guido) Maniscalco to set up the committee and seeking support from USF to facilitate the group once it is estbalished so that it can com- mence and undertake its 90-day charge,” Ms. Post stated.
Councilman Carlson was asked about the use of CRAs in these uncertain times. The Down- town/Channelside CRA has a balance of $18 mil- lion, while the East Tampa’s CRA is at $4.5 million.
“CRAs are meant to solve the issues of slum and blight. In areas like the Channel District and Downtown where there is no slum and blight, we should close or put a cap on the CRAs.
“I focused on East Tampa, Sulphur Springs and Uptown not just because of poverty, but because they were ignored by the last mayor. How is it fair for the City to buy gold-plated lamps in the Chan- nel District when there are rats in Fair Oaks Com- munity Center?”
The committee will be made up of 23 members, who will serve 1-year terms: the Mayor will appoint 3; each City Council member will appoint 2 mem- bers; Hillsborough County, Tampa Bay EDC, Tampa Chamber of Commerce, USF Muma Col- lege of Business, Tampa International Airport, and Port Tampa Bay will each appoint 1 member.

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