Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 12-6-19
P. 3
Woman Plans To Bless Community With Shoes
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Ms. Ruby Scott is just over- whelmed by the support she has re- ceived for her project to give away shoes to anyone in need.
Two years ago, Ms. Scott, through her non-profit women’s or- ganization, “Women Of Love Through Faith,” hosted a similar event. However, this year the event seems to be larger than anticipated, with more volunteers and more shoes.
Ms. Scott has planned the event for Saturday, December 21, 2019, be- ginning at 8 a. m., “until all the shoes are gone,” she said.
The distribution will take place at 1 Body Global, located at 127th Ave. and 19th St., a space donated by its owner, Lynette Frail, just for this event.
Ms. Scott started the women’s ministry with over 32 women in the organization. “There were a lot of older women that helped me, and now I want to give back to the com- munity,” she said. The shoe give- away is also being held in association with several area businesses and or- ganizations.
“There will be new and gently
MS. RUBY SCOTT ...Plans shoe give-away
used shoes for give-away. In my cleaning business, I’ve met so many wonderful people, who want to do- nate, want to help with the distribu- tion, until I can hardly believe what God is doing. He is so amazing!”
Those who would like to volun- teer for this project or have shoes to donate may contact Ms. Scott at (813) 446-1777. “They can volunteer, bring shoes, or bring someone who needs shoes,” she said.
The owner of a cleaning service, Ms. Scott said she has been in the business for more than 20 years, but became licensed, bonded and in- sured about 5 years ago.
Volunteers To Make Much Needed Upgrades To Rey Park Community Center
Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay and Republic Services of Tampa are partner- ing on a project to renovate and revital- ize a busy community center in historic Old West Tampa. On Saturday, Dec. 7, volunteers from Republic Services and the community will spruce up Rey Park Community Center.
Rey Park Community Center offers students a place to complete their home- work and even have dinner before par- ents pick them up after work. During the summer, the center keeps children and teenagers active and engaged – and out of trouble.
Projects will include much-needed upgrades to the concession stand, which provides snacks and meals for students; new technology for the computer area; new rubberized flooring for the exercise area; and a fresh coat of paint.
The project is organized by Rebuild- ing Together Tampa Bay and funded through a National Neighborhood Prom- ise grant from the Republic Services Charitable Foundation.
“We are proud to partner on this crit- ical revitalization project in West Tampa. Rebuilding Together’s focus on communities in Tampa is a natural fit for us, as these are the same communities where many of our employees live and work,” said Howard Peterson, Re- public Services general manager.
...Urban Development Manager, West Tampa/Drew Park CRA Manager
How did this project come about?
“Rebuilding Together Tampa Bay re- ceived a grant to make renovations at Rey Park in West Tampa, stated Mal- colm Kiner, Urban Development Man- ager, West Tampa/Drew Park CRA Manager. “The event this weekend is a great opportunity for West Tampa. If this rehab is successful, it will qualify them to receive an additional grant that will be used towards home rehab in West Tampa,” he said.
The Work Project begins at 8:30 a. m., Saturday, and is expected to last until 3 p. m., at Rey Park Community Center, 2301 N. Howard Ave., Tampa.