Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 11-6-20
P. 6

WILMINGTON, Del. WASHINGTON - The ex- cruciatingly close U. S. pres- idential election hung in the balance on Wednesday, with a handful of closely contested states set to decide the out- come in the coming hours or days, even as President Donald Trump falsely claimed victory and made unsubstantiated allegations of electoral fraud.
Democratic challenger Joe Biden opened up narrow leads in Wisconsin and Michigan on Wednesday
Biden campaign is ex- pecting to win Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Penn- sylvania
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's cam- paign said on Wednesday morning that the former vice president is “on track to win this election” over Presi- dent Trump.
Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon pre- dicted on a conference call Wednesday morning with re- porters that the Democratic nominee “will be the next
lots that surged amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Together with Nevada, an- other state where Biden held a small advantage with votes still left to be tallied, those states would deliver Biden the 270 votes needed in the state-by-state Electoral College to win the White House. But Trump still had a path to victory with those states officially undecided.
Opinion polls had given Biden a strong lead nation- wide for months, but had shown tighter races in battle-
ground states, and the vote did not produce the over- whelming verdict against Trump that Democrats had wanted.
In the nationwide popular vote, Biden on Wednesday was comfortably ahead of Trump, with 2.6 million more votes. Trump won the 2016 election over Democrat Hillary Clinton after win- ning crucial battleground states even though she drew about 3 million more votes nationwide.
 U. S. Presidency Still Undecided; Biden Opens Leads In Key Midwestern States
  morning, according to Edi- son Research, as the two
states that the Republican president won in 2016 con- tinued to count mail-in bal-
“By this afternoon, we ex-
pect that vice president will have leads in states that put him over 270 electoral votes,” O'Malley Dillon emphasized.
Pointing to states that have yet to be called, O'Mal- ley Dillon said “we are on track to win in Michigan by more than Donald Trump did in 2016, to win in Wis- consin by more than Trump did in 2016, to win in Penn- sylvania by more than Trump did in 2016.”
O'Malley Dillon said that in Michigan “the ballots that are outstanding are mostly in Democratic heavy areas as well as absentee bal- lots.”
And even though as of late Wednesday morning Biden was trailing the president by more than half a million votes in his native state of Pennsylvania, O’Malley Dillon emphasized that “we see 1.4 million outstanding ballots that will be counted over the coming days, most of them projected to be from Democratic heavy areas and mail-in votes. We expect that these ballots will more than overcome Trump 600,000 vote margin that he’s carry- ing right now.”
Trump campaign m a n ager Bill Stepien, speaking to reporters min- utes before the Biden cam- paign call, said he was “confident” the president would win reelection, saying “the president wins if we
count all legal ballots.”
  Biden Campaign Says Democratic Nominee Will Be Nation's 'Next President'
   Democratic presidential candidate former Vice Pres- ident Joe Biden waves to supporters, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, in Wilmington, Del.
president of the United
Breonna Taylor Memorial To Be Preserved At Local African-American Museum
   It has been nearly eight months since Breonna Tay- lor was fatally shot in her own home by police. Now, a memorial in her honor will be moved to a local museum in Louisville, Kentucky.
According to CBS affiliate WKLY, the Taylor memorial at Jefferson Square Park in Louisville will be moved to Roots 101, which is a mu- seum in the area.
Protest leader Shameka Parrish Wright told the outlet, "We will have a sym- bolic march from this park where we will take pieces of
this memorial all of us and march to Roots 101 where we will have it rebuilt there and that will be the permanent home. Breonna will be able to rest with its ancestors, with her ancestors, with our ancestors.”
After midnight on March 13, former officer Brett Hankison, Det. Myles Cosgrove and Sgt. John Mattingly executed a botched “no-knock” warrant at Taylor's apartment which she shared with her boyfriend Kenneth Walker.

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