Page 21 - Florida Sentinel 3-13-20
P. 21

     Hearing loss is now linked to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
The risk of dementia in- creases for those with a hear- ing loss greater than 25 dB.
36% of the risk of demen- tia was associated with hear- ing loss for study participants over the age of 60.
According to several major studies, older adults
with hearing loss are more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia, com- pared to those with normal hearing. Further, the risk es- calates as a person's hearing loss grows worse. Those with mild hearing impairment are nearly twice as likely to de- velop dementia compared to those with normal hearing. The risk increases three-fold for those with moderate
hearing loss, and five-fold for those with severe impair- ment.
Specifically, the risk of dementia increases among those with a hearing loss greater than 25 decibels. For study participants over the age of 60, 36 percent of the risk for dementia was associ- ated with hearing loss.
How Are The Conditions Connected?
Although the reason for the link between hearing loss and dementia is not conclu- sive, study investigators sug- gest that a common pathology may underlie both, or that the strain of decoding sounds over time may over- whelm the brains of people with hearing loss, leaving them more vulnerable to de- mentia.
They also speculate that hearing loss could lead to de- mentia by making individu- als more socially isolated—a known risk factor for demen- tia and other cognitive disor- ders.
In addition to being an important risk factor for Alzheimer's and dementia, multiple studies have shown that hearing loss worsens the symptoms of these diseases when they are already pres- ent. These symptoms include impaired memory, the in- ability to learn new tasks, re- duced alertness, compromised personal safety, irritability, anger, fa- tigue, stress, depression, and diminished overall health.
Can Hearing Aids Help?
In response to these find- ings, further studies are un-
derway to determine if hear- ing aids can delay, or even prevent, dementia and Alzheimer's by improving patients' hearing.
The Bottom Line
Generally speaking, hear- ing loss develops slowly. Our brain's own ability to com- pensate and adjust to gradual hearing changes makes hear- ing loss difficult to recognize.
That's why it's extremely important to have annual hearing evaluations. Experts encourage people as young as 45 to have a baseline hear- ing screening. Catching and treating hearing loss early can slow, or stop, its progres- sion.
Taking time to monitor your hearing may save many problems as you get older, you'll preserve more good hearing for life!

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