Page 17 - Florida Sentinel 2-25-20
P. 17
Robbery Suspect Considered ‘Armed And Dangerous’
Police are currently searching for a man who robbed a meat market Sunday evening. A warrant has been obtained for the man’s arrest.
The suspect entered Noor Meat Market, 5606 N. 40th Street. Once inside, he dis- played a gun and demanded money. Once the suspect re- ceived the money, he left the store and fled eastbound on E. Delueil Avenue.
Police have identified the suspect as 45-year-old Rashad Thulani Hill. Hill is described as weighing be- tween 170 and 180 pounds, and is between 5’6” abd 5’ 8.”
Police further said that Hill is to be considered armed and dangerous. He has previously served more than 14 years in prison for at-
tempted murder and aggra- vated battery.
Anyone with information on Hill is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1-800-273-TIPS or online at
Police Investigating East Tampa Murder
Detectives launched a death investigation in East Tampa. The body was found near the intersection of N. 43rd Street and E. Fern Av- enue.
According to a spokesper- son for the Tampa Police De- partment, the investigation began early Monday. Detec- tives were waiting on a search warrant to continue the investigation. Police have not identified the victim and no additional information wasreleasedatpresstime.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of
Tampa Bay at 1-800-273- TIPS or online at
Woman’s Body Found Near Port Tampa Park
Gun, Drug Charges Land Man In Federal Prison
Man Gets 10 Years For Attempting To Entice Child
Last week, U. S. District
Judge Thomas P. Barber
sentenced a 28-year-old Fort Myers man to serve nearly two decades in federal prison. He pleaded guilty to the charges on November 27, 2019.
Judge Barber handed down a sentence of 19 years, 7 months to Jarquel Jenkins. He was charged with distribut- ing a controlled substance, possession with the intent to distribute a controlled sub- stance, and possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.
According to court docu- ments, on three separate occa- sions in January and February 2019, Jenkins sold controlled substances (heroin and co- caine) to confidential inform- ants. In February 2019, following a controlled pur- chase of narcotics from Jenk- ins, law enforcement officers attempted to arrest Jenkins who fled from a parked vehi- cle.
During the execution of a search warrant of the vehicle, officers seized various quanti- ties of heroin, methampheta- mine, and cocaine, as well as a loaded firearm from the vehi- cle’s cup holder. As a previ- ously convicted felon, Jenkins is prohibited from possessing a firearm or am- munition under federal law.
Last week, a federal judge sentenced a man to serve time in federal prison. He was found guilty by a federal jury on November 14, 2019.
Fedral Judge Charlene E. Honeywell sentenced Kerk Allen, 43, of Stl. Pe- tersburg to 10 years in fed- eral prison.
According to court docu- ments, Allen was charged with attempting to entice a child to engage in sexual ac- tivity. The court also ordered Allen to forfeit the electronic devices he had used in the commission of the offense.
According to evidence presented at trial, Allen communicated online and via text messages with some- one he believed to be a 14- year-old child. In reality, he was talking to an undercover
agent. In the conversations, Allen proposed and planned to meet up with the child to have sex, discussing in graphic detail the sex acts he would engage in when they met.
On Saturday afternoon, police were contacted after the body of a woman was found near a park. Her body was located near some trees.
The woman has been identified as 50-year-old Sharon Johnson, of Tampa. Ms. Johnson’s death has been ruled a homi-
cide and police said she suf- fered from severe trauma. The investigation is continu- ing.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1-800-273- TIPS or online at
If you don’t build your dreams, 8, 12, 22, 39, 52, someone else will hire you to build theirs 6, 18, 33,44, 59.