Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 10-11-19
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Progress Village News
October Birthday Celebrants
Happy Birthday to past and present Villagers cele- brating this month. Glo Young and Anthony Pittman, 10/1; Katherine Clark, 10/3; Renee Ghent, 10/5; Twila Gainous, 10/7; Ardra Daniels, 10/10; Thaddeus Jones and Terry Martin, 10/15; Mar- quita Killins, 10/18; Oscar Simmons, 10/20; Von- shanita Edwards, and Melissa Perry Harris, 10/22; Olivia Darby, 10/23; William Ford, 10/26; Myron Drayton and Derrick McNeal, 10/28; Tonita Hall, 10/29; Roesolia Young, 10/30; and Dorian Moore, 10/31.
Sick And Shut-Ins
Lifting up our fellow Vil- lagers and friends in prayer: Mary Hobley, Marion Washington, Oliva Darby, Gwendola Small, Hilrie Kemp, Jr., Harold Williams, Robert Leek, Sr., Clennie McCray, Elouise Griffin, Thelma Singleton, Catherine Clark, Nina Small, Rudolph Tolbert, Lillian Tolbert, Henrietta Sanders, and Tommy Bell.
Happy Anniversary
Shout out to Anthony and Ann Pittman who cel- ebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary on 9/27. Wish- ing you much continued hap- piness.
Men’s Health Forum
Saturday – October 12th 9 a. m.–1:30p.m.;NewSt. Matthew M. B. Church, 1006 S. 50th St., Tampa. Free Screenings; Lunch provided.
Time For Panther Football
Home games begin at 9 a. m., at Larry Sanders Sports Complex – Home Field, 5855 S. 78th St. Date - 10/19
Clothes And More
Every 3rd Saturday of the month clothes and more are given FREE by First Baptist Church of Progress Village. The location, Bowers/Sim-
mons Park (little park) under the Pavilion located on 86th St., between FBCOPV and St. James A. M. E. Church.
Save the Date Fall Festival / Free Market
The event will be held on Saturday, 11/9, 10 a. m. – 2 p. m., at Emanuel P. Johnson Community Center, 5855 S. 78th St.
Community Cookout
PV4Life Saturday, 12/28 OldPark–1p.m.Foryour official Progress Village An- nual Cookout 2019 T-Shirts, please contact: Pam Col- leton, 240-543-3753, Ros-
alind Walker, 813-476- 8547, Della Timmons or Marlise Tolbert. Orders may also be emailed to: Order date ends, 11/18/19.
Progress Village Civic Council News
The next Community Meeting is Monday, October 21st, 2019 at 7 p. m., at the Emanuel P. Johnson Com- munity Center, 5855 S. 78th St.
Call your news for Progress Village and sur- rounding areas to Linda Washington, (813) 741- 3604.
Library News & Events
Chess Club At The Library
Saturday, October 19th 10 A. M. - 12 P. M. Riverview - James B. Johnson Community Room
Learn and play the game of chess with Coach Ted Mc- Nair! Benefits of this classic and fun game include: improved memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. All ages and skill levels are welcome.
Community Day
Saturday, October 19, 2019 10 A. M. - 2 P. M. Town 'N Country - Community Room A & B
Family! Food! Fun! Join us for a free event featuring music, games, and activities for all ages. Visit with local organizations and learn how their services can benefit your family.
PBS Great American Read Book Club:
“The Picture Of Dorian Gray”
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 * 6 P. M. - 7:30 P. M.* Robert W. Saunders, Sr. –
African American History & Genealogy Library
“The Picture of Dorian Gray:” Handsome, young, but morally corrupt Dorian Gray has his portrait made – which he keeps safely hidden in the attic. As the years pass, he does not age. Despite this, evidence of his sins are apparent in his portrait, which grows uglier with each transgression and begins to attract suspicion. Dorian Gray was ranked #55 of America’s best-loved 100 books in The Great American Read.
Movies @ The Library:
Saturday At The Movies:
“5 Feet Apart” * Saturday, October 12, 2019 * 3 P. M. - 5 P. M. * 78th Street - Community Room Teenagers with cystic fibrosis fall in love despite not being able to get too close to each other. Rated PG-13.