Page 2 - Florida Sentinel 10-11-19
P. 2

   Navy Vet Fulfills Lifelong Dream To Own Gas Station
 BY KENYA WOODARD Sentinel Feature Writer
For 20 years, Milton Hempstead donned a uni- form and served his country as a member of the United States Navy.
Hempstead retired from the military some years ago, but he still wears a uniform while offering a different kind of service.
Earlier this year, Hemp- stead took over ownership of the Mobil Gas Station at the intersection of Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
and Orient Road. The ad- justment from soldier to en- trepreneur has been interesting, Hempstead admits.
“The difference is the re- sponsibility that it takes,” he said. “There are ins and outs you have to pay close atten- tion.”
However, the venture is the fulfillment of a longtime dream. For many years, Hempstead searched for an opportunity to own and operate a service station. When he learned the site at the busy intersection was for sale, he jumped at the
MILTON HEMPSTEAD ....Owner of Mobil Station on Orient Road and MLK.
chance to buy it.
It’s the start of what
Hempstead hopes will ex- pand to a total of five stores, a barbershop, and a car wash.
Nowadays, Hempstead is behind a counter at least five days a week, but he’s not totally a solo act. Along with employees, Hemp- stead’s brother, nephew, and 13-year-old son also help.
He easily chats up cus- tomers as they come in to buy gas, snacks, and lotto tickets.
The latter is Pebbles Merrell’s favorite reason to visit the store. She also
likes Hempstead’s focus on the customer.
“He helps with the homeless,” she said. “When they come in, he treats them good, like human beings.”
The clientele is the “fun part” of the job, Hemp- stead said.
“This store has a lot of character,” he said.
Hempstead, who lives in Brandon, said he under- stands the service station is more than a place of busi- ness. For many, it acts as a community hub.
“You survive a lot of time off of corner stores and gas stations,” he said. “Some people rely on this.”

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