Page 6 - Florida Sentinel 10-11-19
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Political News
Pelosi Responds To Trump After White House Letter: 'You Are Not Above The Law'
Joe Biden Calls For Trump To Be Impeached
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for President Trump to be impeached dur- ing a speech in New Hamp- shire on Wednesday, accusing the president of violating his oath of office and betraying his country.
"He believes he can and will get away with anything he does. We all laughed when he said he could stand in the mid- dle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and get away with it. It’s no joke. He’s shooting
holes in the Constitution, and we cannot let him get away with it."
Why it matters: Unlike
every other major candidate in the 2020 Democratic field, Biden had previously declined to unconditionally endorse im- peachment — despite being at the center of a Ukraine scandal that has prompted House De- mocrats to launch a formal im- peachment inquiry.
In explaining his reasoning, Biden noted that Trump has another year in office and is re- sponsible for the largest econ- omy and most powerful military in the world.
Kevin McCarthy, the mi- nority leader in the House, has condemned Turkey for launch- ing a military operation in northern Syria after Trump decided to withdraw U. S. troops from the region.
Given that has been a key ally to Trump as the president attempts to combat House De- mocrats’ impeachment inquiry, the California Republican may have a unique opportunity to push the commander-in-chief to change his position on Syria. But Trump has so far shown no sign of reconsidering his de- cision to withdraw the U. S. troops.
Senator Lindsey Graham
is now more broadly attacking Trump’s “America first” for- eign policy, arguing that isola- tionism represents a dangerous threat to the nation.
Graham said in a previous tweet, reacting to the news of Turkey’s military operation in northern Syria, that America’s Kurdish allies had been “shamelessly abandoned by the Trump administration.”
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke
Nancy Pelosi at a press con- ference at the US Capitol in Washington DC Tuesday.
said he thinks Nancy Pelosi should hold a formal vote on opening an impeachment in- quiry.
Pelosi has said she does not plan to hold a vote and argued that the Constitution does not require such a formality to launch an impeachment in- quiry, a reading that is backed up by legal experts.
The House speaker is also likely trying to protect vulnera- ble Democrats, even though many of her caucus members from more conservative dis- tricts have come out in support of the inquiry.
Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Will Get The Documentary Treatment
After the rest of the world telling their story, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will take the subject into their own hands with their own au- thorized documentary.
Their story is one that of course lends itself to the docu- mentary narrative format, but it was their recent trip to South Africa that inspired ITV News anchor Tom Bradby to get started on the project. Bradby confirmed in a tweet on Thurs- day that he had "just finished filming a documentary on Harry and Meghan in Africa," and that he thinks "it
Britain's Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and his wife Meghan hold their baby son Archie.
will explain a lot when it airs."
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to South Africa has already become the subject of international intrigue and criticism. First, there were the rumors that Markle was do- nating used clothes to children in the country, which was of course confirmed to indeed be just that—an unfounded rumor. In fact, Markle do- nated clothes that were given to her and Prince Harry as gifts for their four-month-old son Archie, and per royal rules they cannot accept the of- fers so she gave them to those in need instead.
Michelle Obama Announces New Book Coming This Fall To Follow Up Her Best Seller 'Becoming'
If you were amongst the many that were given life by Michelle Obama’s best-sell- ing memoir, Becoming, then you are going to be floored after we announce the latest news... another project is on its way!
Becoming: A Guided Jour- nal for Discovering Your Voice
will be released on Nov. 19.
In case you're wondering, the new project by our forever FLOTUS will be the perfect companion to her first book that not only secured the #1 spot on The New York's Times best-seller list, but it also sold 10 million copies by March