Page 10 - Florida Sentinel 5-21-21
P. 10
Men Of Vision Founder To Host Annual Graduation Ceremony
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Saturday, Ross An- derson, educator and foun- der of the Men Of Vision, Inc., Service Organization will hold his annual gradua- tion ceremony. The event will begin at 1 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson K-8 School and terminate with the Annual Scholarship Program.
Several years ago, An-
derson launched the pro- gram while a teacher at Sligh Middle School. Anderson noticed that many of the African American students were getting into trouble and knew that something needed to be done, He requested that all of the “problem boys” be assigned to him and that was the start of Men of Vi- sion, Inc.
In 2012, Anderson’s largest class of 32 young men
graduated. The class of 2021 has 30 graduates.
Anderson said he saw a profound need in schools primarily in the inner city, for mentorship directed to- wards those whom he often refers to as “our boys.”
The young men he in- itially went after were often angry, disenchanted with school, feeling disenfranchi- sed and on the brink of hope- lessness and despair. Their
ROSS ANDERSON Founder of Men of Vision, Inc.
academic records were poor and their discipline records even worse. Some struggled with the basics like reading and writing, some due to their poor choices within the community had run-ins with the law.
“Out of seemingly hope- less obstacles, Men Of Vision was born. Now, Men of Vi- sion, Inc. works with ALL young men and meets with them where they are at aca- demically, regardless of GPA. Men of Vision, Inc. DOESN’T discriminate against race, sex, origin, religious beliefs or backgrounds. The overall goal is to prepare these young men for life. Helping with fundamentals and a solid foundation to prepare
them for either college, mili- tary, technical schools, or the workforce,” Anderson said.
He further said that the program has a 100% gradua- tion rate for the past 12 years. Those young men have chosen different career paths. Some have continued their education at institu- tions of higher learning. Some entered the workforce, and still others entered the military.
He said the college gra- duation rate is at 85% and they are working toward 100% in that area.
“I have dedicated 16 years of my life to making sure the young men in the commu- nity become successful, pro- ductive citizens and they fulfill their vision and dre- ams. The old saying goes, ‘reach one, teach one.’ We have reached over 2,000 young men. As community leaders and men in the edu- cation field, we must think about the then and later.
“These young men are our future and if we want them to carry our tradition and legacy, they must un- derstand what it takes to be a man, and then we must step up and teach them.”