Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 9-11-20
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Local Artist’s Black Lives Matter Art Sits In Office Of Spike Lee
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
Like so many of us, Lonnie Fa- vors, also known as Artist LoMo, was affected by the Black Lives Mat- ter movement. He was affected to the point of putting ink to canvas as he developed a piece of art that currently sits in the office of Spike Lee in New York City as a part of his personal col- lection. He has had the painting now for over a month. “But I still own the rights to it and it is also copyright pro- tected,” LoMo explained. There may eventually be images on tee-shirts.
“The painting is grabbing a lot of attention across America and may be showing up everywhere. I have been getting a lot of great and wonderful comments and true blessings that just keep coming and coming,” he said.
Entitled ‘UNDERCOVER KLAN,’ LoMo says it took him about 3 weeks to complete. “It is done with oil paint on a 24 X 30 black canvas. I painted this piece for the world to see how we as Black people view, see and have fear of law enforcement.
“Everything that is going on now was going on back then. Back in the day they wore white hoods over their
LONNIE FAVORS ...Artistically known as LoMo
faces. And this is still done today, but the hoods are black. It doesn't matter if you have a license to carry a weapon, or if you have your hands up and empty, you can still be shot and killed just for being Black in America.
“The slogan of police officers should be changed from ‘protect and serve’ to just SERVED. I painted this piece because I came face to face with one of these cops. But the only differ- ence was... I was able to walk away alive,” he explainied.
“UNDERCOVER KLAN” is just one of the pieces of art LoMo has
‘UNDERCOVER KLAN’ ...Sits in the office of Spike Lee in New York City
done for pominent people. “I have also done a painting of Mr. Tyler Perry, which he also has this paint- ing in his studio in Atlanta. I have even donated some of my paintings to the local church.”
This piece and many others are posted on his Instagram page, which is artistlomo.
LoMo is a Tampa native, born, raised and grew up in Carver City. He graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School. Art, painting and draw- ing are his passion, which he calls, “my blessing from God.” When he’s
...In his studio in Atlanta, GA
not drawing or painting, he’s working on cars as a builder, restorer, painter, and doing custom fabrication.
LoMo has several pieces of African Art. His most recent piece is ‘SUMMER BREEZE,’ which can be seen on his website www.artistlomo. com, along with several other pieces.
“I hope that everyone will enjoy my work and become a fan or a friend as I take this journey and watch me and what I will create as God guides my hands to paint.”