Page 9 - Florida Sentinel 10-15-19
P. 9

 ‘Jesus, Jazz & Jokes:’ – An All-White Event Open To The Public
Beulah Baptist Male Chorus Celebrating 35th Anniversary
BY GWEN HAYES Sentinel Editor
The Young Adult Ministry at New Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, 2511 E. Columbus Dr., Tampa, has been busy planning the church’s 117th Anniversary. They’re grateful about the leadership role the pastor, Reverend Larry L. Roundtree, II, has given them to spearhead this event.
They’ve hosted many events leading up to the cul- mination of the Anniversary on Sunday, October 20, 2019, during one service at 10 a. m.
One event that the young adults are excited about is “Jesus, Jazz & Jokes.” The all- white event will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2019, at the University of South Florida, Gibbons Alumni Center, 11810 Sago Dr. Tampa 33620. Doors open at 6:30 p. m. and the celebra- tion begins at 7 p. m.
The $25 admittance fee includes light refreshments.
Tickets are still available, but organizers say please don’t wait until the last minute and not be able to at- tend. Tickets will also be sold prior to entry on the day of the event
To complete your secure purchase, call (813) 248- 8101, Option 1, or visit the Jesus, Jazz & Jokes link via
The young adults have been sharing the message that you can be a part of Jesus’ family and have fun by, enjoying soft music and lis- tening to clean jokes at the same time; while at the same time maintaining the utmost level of Christianity. They’re asking those who attend to wear “all-white,” but don’t let that be a hindrance to keep you away.
Minister Larenz John- son, who is hosting the event, is excited about what the event can do for other young adults in the commu- nity. “This unforgettable Kingdom experience is open to the public,” he said.
Kandace Nunn-John- son, Coordinator of the evening, said she is excited about those who will share their crafts during the evening. “Expect great per- formances from Christian co- median, Scott Simpkins, the Tampa native quartet group, Tyrell Pittman & the Tampa Boyz, plus Tampa’s jazz sensation, The Beat Down Band.”
 On Sunday, October 20, 2019 at 4 P. M. The Beulah Baptist Institutional Church Male Chorus, under the direc- tion of Minister of Music, Rev. Isaac Ruffin, will be celebrating their 35th Anniver- sary.
This Male Chorus has blessed the Tampa Bay area and surrounding cities with energized impacting songs of Gospel. Their unique nature of expression in each song brings relevance still in every- day living.
This quartet style Male Chorus is a mix of real old
school and new school style singing. Thundering songs like “Living Testimony,” “Glad I Got Jesus,” “Doing the Best I Can With What I Got,” “Hide Behind the Mountain,” “I Go To The Rock,” just to name a few.
Their message is simple the Gospel remains the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, every song having to do with just that always dwelling on the goodness of Jesus Christ and messages of Love, Joy, Hope, Peace and Salvation to enter the ulti- mate dwelling place, Heaven.
The Male Chorus invites all to join them to celebrate this momentous occasion with special guests to include: The First Baptist Church of Progress Village, Saxophonist Jordan Bolds, Pilgrims Rest MBC Male Chorus, Heard by God, the 4D’s. Spe- cial guests for this program are the Gospel Echoes of Ocala, FL
For additional informa- tion contact the church office (813) 251-3882, Beulah Bap- tist Institutional Church, 1006 W. Cypress Street, Tampa, FL 33606.

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