Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 6-12-20
P. 15
Harram Temple No. 23 Awards 5 Scholarships
Although the first half of 2020 has not garnered much activity for the Desert of Florida Temples and Courts, under the leadership of the Illustrious Potentate Noble Alejandero J. Kelly, Har- ram Temple No. 23, Incorpo- rated, located in the Oasis of Tampa, did not skip a beat this year, hosting its Annual PP Watts Sanderson, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Pro- gram.
Harram’s Scholarship Committee remained hard at work, reviewing and scoring scholarship packets received from students in Hillsbor- ough, Pinellas, and Pasco Counties. Each year the Scholarship Committee se- lects 5 very talented and de- serving students to receive a $500.00 scholarship award
to assist them financially as they transition to the college, university or vocational/trade school of their choice.
The scholarship commit- tee selected the following students to receive the PP Watts Sanderson, Jr. Memo- rial Scholarship Award in the amount of $500.00 each and a framed certificate of con- gratulations signed by the Il- lustrious Potentate Noble Alejandero J. Kelly and Noble Anthony E. Jones, Assistant Rabban and the Scholarship Committee Chairman for 2020:
Samantha Champion – Hillsborough High School – Ms. Champion will at- tend Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida in the
fall and enroll in their med- ical program and work to be- come a Pediatrician.
Joidyn Clark – Tampa Bay Tech High School – Ms. Clark plans to study Nurs-
ing and advance one day to lead a team of Nurses. She wants to work within under- served communities to im- prove the health status of the community she is serving.
Delanie Council – Jef- ferson High School – Ms. Council will attend Johnson and Wales University in Miami, Florida, where she will further her studies in the culinary arts. Her goal is to earn a Michelin Star rating and own her own restaurant and café.
Joseph Pereira –
Steinbrenner High School – Mr. Pereira will attend the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida, where he plans to study medicine and become a Pediatrician and
protect the future of Amer- ica.
Tony Watson –Tampa Catholic High School – Mr. Watson plans to attend Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana. He has an entrepreneurial spirit be- sides being a gifted athlete. Tony Watson plans to play professional baseball and also wishes to own his own equity firm and clothing stores.
Members of the Scholar- ship Committee are: Noble Anthony E. Jones – Chair- man; HPIP Michael Dozier – Vice Chairman; and Members, Noble Gre- gory Carroll, Noble Michael Reed, Noble Daniel Tate, and Noble Jondexter Toombs.