Page 19 - Florida Sentinel 6-12-20
P. 19

  Soap Opera Spoilers It’s Puzzle Time
     General Hospital: Original air date May 18, 2018: Finn is apologetic. Ava tries to entice Griffin. Josslyn connects with Oscar. Valentin pleads with Nina. Peter’s plans are delayed.
Original air date May 21, 2018: Valentin walks a fine line. Lucy is apolo- getic. Anna grows anxious. Peter stays by Maxie’s side. Kiki is misunderstood. Original air date May 20, 2019: Jason receives a frantic phone call. Peter shares Molly’s idea with Maxie. Bobbie is supportive. Sonny smoothes things
over with Mike. Anna is bewildered.
The Bold & The Beautiful: Originally aired on March 23, 1987: viewers
are introduced to Forrester Creations fashion mogul, Eric Forrester, and his sons, Ridge and Thorne. Publishing mogul Bill Spencer, Sr., demands that playboy Ridge stop dating his daughter Caroline. Brooke arrives home to her sister, Katie after being attacked on her way home from college.
Originally aired on September 16, 2003: Sally Darla watches Ridge, de- signing for Spectra Fashions and Eric, designing for Forrester Creations, bring their best to the “Portofino Challenge.” Stephanie and Clarke emcee the event
 and Brooke stuns as the showstopper arriving via boat on the Ligurian Sea.
Progress Village
The Young & The Restless: Originally aired on July 18, 1986: Victor Foundation Scholarship
romances Ashley Nikki is wined and dined by Matt, and John Abbott is c h a r m e d b y J o a n n a M aAn npi pn gl i. c a t i o n
Originally aired on June 7, 2001: Nick transports Sharon to a faraway
High School Seniors in Progress
land, and Isabella schemes to keep Paul and Christine apart.
Village, if you are college-bound or
Originally aired on May 5, 2005: Michael proposes to Lauren while Nick
planning to attend a technical school
and Sharon await news on Cassie’s condition.
DaysaOftferOgurraLdiuvaetsio: nB,enit, iJsankeo,wantdimCieatroa tpryictko track down Gwen. She’s
in Bayview with Claire, her new BFF. Belle and Shawn arrive in Salem to dis-
up your application for our Commu-
cuss Claire’s future. Will and Sonny realize Gabi is missing. Claire asks Gwen
to keep her secret.
nity Scholarship Program. Applica-
tions are due May 3, 2017.
Claire privately anticipates Ben and Ciara’s wedding. Hope reassures
Any student living in Progress Vil-
Ciara about Claire’s impending release. Will and Sonny press Ben and Jake
to tell thelmagwehfaotrtthheey kpnaoswt faivbeou(t5G) aybeia’srsdiasnapdpeisarance. Eric tells Abe he
wants to surprise Nicole by getting married immediately!
in the 9th through 12th grade may re-
Lucas comes to Kate with distressing news. Eric and Nicole get an unex-
ceive $25.00 for each time they made
pected visitor. Kayla questions Steve about his behavior.
the Honor Roll during this school
Allie pleads with Eric and Nicole to keep her secret. Eli and Lani make a
big decisioynearb.oIunt tahdeidriwtieodnd,inggr.aHdoupaeticnogmsfoerntsioRrasfe in the wake of his loss.
Will and Sonny discuss their plans to have a baby.
can receive $100 cash.
General Knowledge
    Gemini (May 21-June 20): Your appreciation of beauty is height- If you have any questions about
 ened today. Furthermore, it will be fun to dream of future travel plans,
publishintghiedemasoannidespofonrdeHropnhiolorsRopohlli,caGl,rmadeutap-hysical questions. How-
ever, this is a poor day to agree to anything important or shop. tion or the Scholarship money, you
Cancer (June 21-July 22): This is a poor day to make financial de- may call Mrs. Lois C. S. Bowers at
cisions regarding inheritances, insurance issues, banking matters or any-
813-677-6438 or Mrs. Linda
thing to do with shared property. Do your homework. Get your data. But
wait untilWtoamsohrirnowgtonacat.t(7B4e1s-m36a0rt4.)..
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): This is a lovely day to enjoy the company of
partners and close friends because this goofy Moon Alert is occurring di- rectly opposite your sign. This means conversations with others will be candid, interesting and revealing. Nevertheless, agree to nothing.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your efficiency at work will suffer today because most of this day is a Moon Alert. Shortages, delays and an element of the indecisiveness will prevail. Nevertheless, your creative thinking process is superb! Wait until tomorrow to agree to anything.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): This is a wildly, creative day for you be- cause your mind can roam freely and your imagination is limitless. Don't agree to anything important. Do not make an important decision. But ex- plore! Write down your ideas. It's a wonderful day to socialize and enjoy the company of children.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): This is the perfect day to hunker down and cocoon at home or relax in familiar surroundings because it's a poor day for important decisions plus it's a poor day to shop. (You can buy food or gas.) However, you might have creative redecorating ideas. Who knows?
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Just accept the fact that this is a willy-nilly day because the Moon Alert is taking place in the part of your chart that concerns daily communications, short trips and your daily routine. Suddenly, nothing is reliable. Do not shop. But the upside is that your creative process is fantastic!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You are no fool with money. You are a practical, thrifty sign and you know what you're doing even when you spend big. Be aware that for almost all of this day there is a Moon Alert, which means you have to restrict your spending to food, gas and enter- tainment. Factoid.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): There is a Moon Alert in your sign for almost the whole day. This is why you feel disoriented, indecisive and not sure what to do next. Don't worry because you're not losing it. It's just the disconcerting influence of this goofy Moon. Explore your creative ideas!
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Do not worry if today feels vaguely dis- concerting. There's nothing wrong. It's just the vibe. When there is a Moon Alert (and today it is occurring in a hidden part of your chart), it's a very loosey-goosey situation, and this translates to your emotions and even your mental continuum.
Aries (March 21-April 19): This is a lovely day to schmooze with friends and interact with groups but keep things light. There is a Moon Alert, which means it's a poor time to agree to anything important. It's a terrible time to volunteer for something. Enjoy the chatter.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Because most of this day is a Moon Alert, don't volunteer for anything. If you're having an important discus- sion with a parent or a boss, mull over your options but wait until tomor- row to agree - for your own protection! (Whatever you initiate during a Moon Alert tends not to fulfil your objective.)
 Answers on page 11-B

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