Page 8 - Florida Sentinel 11-13-20
P. 8
Voters Share Comments About General Election
BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On November 3, 2020, the General Election took place. Although votes are still being counted, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., was chosen as the 46th President of the United States. The election was historical in that more people cast ballots than ever before and Attorney Ka- mala Harris was chosen as the first woman and first African American to be elected as Vice President.
President-Elect Biden
was chosen as the winner after he earned 306 Electoral College Votes. President Donald Trump failed to win the minimum 270 Elec- toral Votes to remain in of- fice.
President-Elect Biden
also won more popular votes
than his opponent. Trump has alleged voter fraud and has said he will not concede the election.
Some Hillsborough County voters shared their comments about the election.
Mayor Jane Castor said, “Congratulations Joe Biden and Kamala Har- ris! I look forward to work- ing together on ways to continue Transforming Tampa’s Tomorrow and uni- fying our nation.
“This is a historic victory on so many levels. Not only
did they receive the most votes in American History, but our Vice President- Elect Kamala has broken a glass ceiling and opened fu- ture doors for so many! Here’s to our UNITED States of America!”
Mrs. Carolyn Collins,
a longtime member of the Hillsborough County NAACP said, “I’m elated. I am happy that more than 76 million people were looking for a change. And, I’m concerned that more than 70 million people wanted things to con-
tinue as they were.
“The goal of all citizens is
to do a better job of educat- ing, registering, and getting people to the polls.”
Ms. Vivian Heyward
said, “I’m glad that it’s over, but it’s not really over. Trump can do a lot of dam- age before he leaves that of- fice through Executive Orders that will take time to undo. If he does believe in a higher power, I hope that he won’t do anything that will damage our country.
“I’m also proud that we have a person Second-In- Command who I can identify with. It’s something I can talk about with my great grand- children.
“I would also like for our young people of color to see that they could be in the same positions as President Barack Obama and Vice President-Elect Harris one day. Keep believing.”
Danny Green said, “I believe we voted in a presi- dent who will serve all of the people. Trump divided the country, but I believe Presi- dent-Elect Biden will pull
it back together.
“This election has shown
Trump that Black Lives do matter, especially in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Atlanta, where the people really came out to vote. Biden realized that.
“I also think it’s good that we have a Black woman as Vice President. Kamala Harris is a strong Black woman and I think that they are a perfect match.”
Ralph Smith said, “I am very happy with the results of the election. And I am ex- tremely happy that we have our first woman and first Black Vice President.
“Now, we’re just waiting on Mr. Trump to catch up with reality.”
Bishop Thomas Scott
said, “History has been made again. With the election of Vice President Kamala Harris, which is historic for our nation, and people of color.
“It sends the message to little girls that anything is possible if you believe in yourself.”