Page 23 - Florida Sentinel 6-14-19
P. 23
Dehydration can happen if you don't drink enough or you lose too much fluid. Then your blood pressure drops and your nervous system can't control it well, which could make you faint. That's why it's a good idea to get plenty of water, especially when it's hot out- side. If your pee isn't clear, you may need a bit more to drink.
High blood sugar from diabetes can damage the nerves in your body that help keep your blood pressure steady. That could lead to unusually low blood pressure that makes you pass out.
It means your heart has an irregular beat. That sometimes slows the flow and amount of blood that gets to your brain, which can make you pass out. It may be the first or only obvious symptom of the problem. See your doctor right away if you suspect arrhythmia because it could be a sign of a serious heart problem that needs treatment.
The medical term is hypoglycemia. It may make you dizzy, shaky, tired, confused, and blur your vision. You can usually fix the problem if you get a few grams of carbs from juice or candy. Other- wise, you could pass out. If that happens, you need medicine called glucagon to help your body release more sugar.
Know Your Numbers
Check your blood sugar lev- els at least once a day with a blood glucose meter, and keep a record of the readings. Know what’s normal, high, and low. You’ll be able to spot patterns and give your health care team the information they need to craft a treatment plan for when things get off-track.
Mind Your Meds
Some people with type 2 di- abetes can manage their condi- tion without medication. Only your doctor can make that call. If you do need insulin or other meds, take them as you should, even when you feel good. They have a direct effect on your blood sugar levels and help you control ups and downs.
Watch Your Weight
Extra pounds put a strain on your body and bump up your blood sugar. Small shifts each day can move you toward a healthier weight. Write down your meals and snacks each day to give yourself a better picture of what you eat. Find a way to move your body for at least 30 minutes a day. Even dropping 10-15 pounds can make a big difference.
Pay Attention To Portions
Even when you’re eating healthy food, you can have too much of a good thing. A good rule of thumb: Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, and split the other half between a lean protein and a grain.
Be Carb Smart
Carbohydrates turn right into glucose after you eat them. So it’s extra important to keep them in check. When you choose your carbs, give your body the good stuff: fruits, veg- gies, whole grains, and beans. Ease up on less healthy options, like white bread and white rice.