Page 15 - Florida Sentinel 8-6-19
P. 15

Freed From Swedish Jail,
  ‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Dwarfs Quentin Tarantino With a $60 Million Opening
 Here’s 2019 movie reality: “Fast & Furious” offshoot “Hobbs & Shaw” — starring Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, and Idris Elba — opened over 50% bigger than “Once Upon a Time in Holly- wood,” easily besting Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie.
That’s not to say “Once Upon a Time” isn’t doing well enough; it’s already made $78 million. However, it il- lustrates why studios are re- luctant to take risks on originals. Even with Quentin Tarantino direct- ing A-list stars, the film
  comes in behind a franchise spinoff.
With “The Lion King” placing between the two more recent releases, total business edged up a few mil-
lion over last year. Year to date remains close to a half million down, over 6%, with “Hobbs” looking like the final summer release expected to open this well.
 Rapper A$AP Rocky
Nearly a month after he was arrested in Sweden, rapper A$AP Rocky returned to the United States as the verdict in an assault case against him and two other Americans looms.
Los Angeles television sta- tions reported the 30-year-old artist was among a group of people shown emerging from a private airplane at Los Angeles International Airport in footage broadcast late Friday night. The rapper, whose real name is Rakim Mayers, had flown out of Stockholm Ar- landa Airport on Friday, the same day the trio learned they would be released while judges
A private jet carrying A$AP Rocky leaves Stockholm's Ar- landa airport on Friday, Aug. 2, 2019. He and two other Ameri- can suspects were temporarily freed from a Swedish jail to head back to the U. S., as judges mull a verdict in the as- sault case against them.
mull a verdict that's expected Aug. 14.
Lands In U. S.
  A$AP Rocky Thanks His Supporters In His First Social Media Post Since His Arrest In Sweden
 Earlier today, A$AP Rocky was released from Swedish police custody as he awaits the verdict in his as- sault trial. While Rocky was in jail, he received a lot of support from fans, fellow musicians, and even Donald Trump. Now that Rocky is out of jail, he has taken to In- stagram to share his first so- cial media post since his arrest, in which he expresses his appreciation for every- body who had his back dur- ing this tough time.
Rocky shared a photo of himself and wrote:
“Thank you from the bot- tomofmyhearttoallofmy fans, friends and anyone across the globe who sup- ported me during these last few weeks. I can’t begin to
describe how grateful I am for all of you. This has been a very difficult and humbling experience. I want to thank the court for allowing me bladi and thoto to return to our family and friends. Thanks again for all of the love and support.”
Prosecutors said Friday that they are seeking a six- month sentence for Rocky, asserting that he should be convicted due to the “excess” of force used against his ac- cuser, Mustafa Jafari.
Rocky testified on the stand yesterday, saying that he doesn’t want Sweden’s money: “I have spent a month in Sweden. This is my fifth or sixth time here. I have seen the most beautiful ar- chitecture. And the not so nice things. [...] I hear specu- lation of people saying that, you know, I could be com- pensated and file for dam- ages or whatever. I don’t want any money. [...] For me, what I want is justice. And I want my name to be cleared. And justice for all of us.”
    R. Kelly Pleads ‘Not Guilty’ To Child Sex Charges In His New York Federal Case
 CNN reports that R. Kelly has pleaded “not guilty” to the federal sex crime charges against him in New York — charges that include racket- eering, kidnapping, forced labor, and sexual exploitation of a child. He was also denied bail, with the judge determin- ing that he would remain in custody until his trial.
Elizabeth Geddes, the prosecutor in the case, fought to deny R. Kelly bail on the grounds that he is accused of committing obstruction in a previous case against him, al- legedly paying off witnesses to prevent them from testify- ing. The prosecution wants no such funny business tak- ing place this time around, despite R. Kelly’s defense arguing that Kelly always made his appearances and therefore was not a flight risk.
Kelly also faces state and federal charges in Illinois, where he was also indicted for recruiting women and girls for sex, persuading people to conceal his alleged sexual contact with teenagers, and hiding evidence — the video- tapes which purportedly de- pict the singer engaging in
said sexual acts with under- aged girls. The Illinois case includes charges of conspir- acy to receive child pornogra- phy, receiving child pornography, producing child pornography, enticement of a minor to engage in criminal sexual activity, and conspir- acy to obstruct justice. He was denied bond on those charges as well.
He is due back in Chicago September 4 for a hearing on those charges — to which he also pled “not guilty.” The state charges against him in- clude 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.
    Marlon Wayans Goes Full Klump In Netflix’s ‘Sextuplets’ Trailer
 In Coming to America, Eddie Murphy plays four different characters. Impres- sive! But it was a mere warm- up to what the comedy legend would accomplish in The Nutty Professor and Nutty Professor II: The Klumps, where he’s some- how able to turn everyone from Granny Klump to Papa Klump into fully fleshed-out characters. It’s hard to believe that he had to
wait until Dreamgirls for his first Oscar nomination.
Anyway, Murphy hasn’t made many movies in recent years, so here comes Mar- lon Wayans to grab the “one guy playing multiple characters in the same movie” mantle away from Norbit himself.
The Scary Movie co- writer is going full Klump for Netflix’s Sextuplets, where he plays six (duh) sib- lings. Should you ever go full Klump? We’ll find out!

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