Page 33 - Florida Sentinel 10-30-20
P. 33
Cayenne Pepper
This bright red pepper does more than just spice up your food. Thanks to a compound called capsaicin, cayenne pepper can help your ar- teries work well. It can also help relax
the muscles in your blood vessels so blood can flow eas- ily. And that’s good for your blood pressure.
They’re rich in an- tioxidants, including one that’s particularly good for your blood vessels: anthocyanin. It’s the compound that gives red and purple produce that deep-colored hue. An- thocyanin can help pro- tect the walls of your
arteries from damage and keep them from becoming stiff. Plus, anthocyanin spurs the release of nitric oxide, which helps to lower your blood pressure.
This root vegetable is rich in nitrate, which your body can convert to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps to naturally loosen up your blood vessels and improve the flow of blood to your tissues
and organs. Researchers have found that beet juice can lower your systolic blood pressure (the first number in a blood pressure reading), too.
Garlic is good for more than keeping vam- pires away. It contains a sulfur compound called allicin that helps your blood vessels relax. Stud- ies show that in people who eat a diet rich in gar- lic, blood flows more ef- ficiently. That means the
heart doesn’t have to work as hard to move blood throughout the body, which helps keep your blood pres- sure down.
Circulation Is Key
Blood is like your body’s superhighway. It carries nutrients and oxy- gen to everything from your heart and brain to your muscles and skin.
A healthy diet is one way to optimize your cir- culation, or blood flow.
Combined with exercise, hydration, weight manage- ment, and not smoking, some foods can help improve circulation. Next time you head to the grocery store, consider including these items in your shopping cart.