Page 3 - Florida Sentinel 1-24-20
P. 3

 Join The Pirate Krewe Of Black Caesar
   Mayor To Restore East Tampa Community Center
 BY IRIS B. HOLTON Sentinel City Editor
On Thursday, Mayor Jane Castor announced plans to dedicate resources for capital improvements to an East Tampa community Cen- ter. This will mark the first time the community center has been restored in several years.
A meeting will be held Thursday, (tonight), beginning at 7 p.m., It will be held at the Fair Oaks Community Center, 5019 N. 34th Street. In recent years, Capital Improvement projects to restore the park have fallen through or been re- duced due to the economy.
Mayor Castor plans to change this by investing in the park and securing funds for much-needed repairs.
Mayor Castor said, “I want
to make sure the sun shines on all of our Tampa neighbor- hoods, and in all of our parks.
“Fair Oaks Park has been on the backburner for far too long, and now it’s time we change that. My hope is that together
we can restore Fair Oaks Park into a place where our kids want to play, and where the East Tampa community can create new memories for gen- erations to come.”
This announcement comes just ahead of the new Tampa Parks & Recreation Master Plan rollout in efforts to prior- itize the repairs. To get started, Mayor Castor has instructed City Staff to assess the neigh- borhood’s needs and identify which park improvements will create the biggest impact.
She also plans to work with the East Tampa CRA in hopes that they will support the park’s restoration by matching city funds.
This project is one of many Capital Improvement In- vestments Mayor Castor is spearheading to transform Tampa’s tomorrow.
   Tampa Alphas present Alpharilla January 25th
The legend of Black Cae- sar says that for nearly a decade, he raided shipping from the Florida Keys and later served as one of Cap- tain Blackbeard's, a.k.a., Edward Teach's, crewmen aboard the Queen Anne's Re- venge.
Black Caesar, one of the first African-American pi- rates, would be known to sail the Straits of Florida, pillag- ing and plundering all that could be found. Alas, one of his buried treasures was left uncovered, and a closer look at the treasure map directs
you on January 25th from 9 a.m.-5p.m.,towhereX marks the spot just two blocks away from the Gas- parilla Parade route: Hooch and Hive at 1001 W Cass St.
Come join the Tampa Al- phas for the Gasparilla event celebrating the diversity of Black Caesar - The Alphar- illa Day Party.
Tickets start at $20; paid parking available; live enter- tainment by Tampa's own Beat Down Band; Hookah and Spades. And of course, COSTUMES ENCOUR- AGED!!!!
Get your tickets now at https://alpharilla.eventbrite. com.

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