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You will need to provide the death certi cate and identi cation con rming that you are the Executor. There should also be a certi cate of deposit for the Will, but if you cannot  nd it you will need to write to the Principle Record Keeper in the  rst instance.
Applying for Probate
Depending on the type and value of assets in the Estate, you may need to obtain a Grant of Representation. This is often referred to as a Grant of Probate, and the type of grant that is issued to you will depend on your circumstances. So:
■ If you are named executor in a Will – you will need a Grant of Probate
■ If you are the next-of-kin and there is no Will – you will need letters of administration
■ If you are the next person entitled in a Will where there is no valid appointment of an
executor – you will need letters of administration (with Will).
■ You may not need a grant of representation if the Estate is very small, but be prepared to
apply for one if a bank or other institution requests it.
■ You can apply for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration by contacting the local
■ Probate Registry and completing Probate Application form PA1.
Contacting HMRC
As early as possible you will also need to contact HMRC to discuss any potential income tax outstanding, or inheritance tax that may be due.
How Long Does Probate Take?
On average it takes between nine to twelve months to complete the distribution of the Estate through Probate, but if the Estate is complicated or there are any legal challenges brought by family members or dependants then it could take much longer. If you are concerned that there may be issues then it is important to bring in the services of a solicitor or professional expert who specialises in Probate law.
What organisations do you need to inform of the death?
Most organisations can be informed of the death by the professional supporting you with the probate so please discuss the list below with them. You may need to contact these organisations yourself if probate is not required:
■ Banks / Building societies
■ Life insurance company
■ Mortgage provider
■ Credit / store cards
■ Friendly societies
■ Other  nancial organisations such as National Savings, Premium Bonds, loans, hire purchase
■ Pension providers
■ Building insurance company
■ Identity and Passport Service
■ Tax O ce
■ Council Housing / Private Landlord / Association
■ Utilities provider
■ Telephone / satellite / cable provider
■ Water / drainage
■ Internet / mobile phone provider
■ Royal mail
■ Council tax

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