Page 4 - Planning Application Guide (Template)
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  Planning Application Guide
Introduction Foreword.
Welcome to The Planning Guide The Planning Guide is an independently produced guide that will be distributed by Royal Mail to all planning applicants. The guide explains how the planning system in England works, and is designed to cover all aspects of the planning process, and is an invaluable source of information to help you with your project.
Within the guide are local and national companies covering all relevant planning and building services. Whether the application is domestic, commercial or industrial, you will be able to  nd all the required trades to help you complete your development. The Planning Guide can also be viewed online, where you can download forms and relevant information, and have interactive access to all the trades and services, by simply using the links.
Planning regulations regularly undergo change so in preparing this Guide we have engaged the services of Haines Planning Consultancy Ltd to advise on the planning content to ensure it is correct at the time of publication.
The guidance is applicable nationally but procedures in the way planning applications are processed can di er between Councils. We are constantly reviewing the service o ered and would welcome comment on your experience in using this Guide.
I hope you  nd the Planning Guide useful, and wish you all the very best with your forthcoming project.

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