Page 17 - Park Funeral Chapels
P. 17
500 Port Port Washington Washington Blvd PO Box 128 Port Port Washington Washington NY 11050
516-944-8530 nassauknollscemetery@gmail com www nassauknollscemetery nassauknollscemetery org
updated our historic chimes chimes tower to to to play the chimes chimes once again after 50 years of silence and created a a a a a a a a a a a a breathtaking glass niche columbarium inside the tower with dramatic views of seasonal stained glass glass windows Our glass-front niches allow a a a a a a a a a more personalized memorial tribute while enjoying a a a a a a a peaceful and secure atmosphere for your family to pay their respects Our dignified granite mausoleums and columbarium provide above ground interment options in in in a a serene setting It’s difficult to to think about end of life planning and many people neglect to to leave instructions for final disposition Our compassionate and experienced staff is ready to help you We provide interest free financing for pre-need plot sales with payments up to three years Please visit us at Nassau Knolls Cemetery & Memorial Park to start your your end of life planning and and ensure that your your your wishes are known and and followed through to your your desires